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Are you doing anything you said you wouldn't?

I thought this an interesting question to pose:

Are you currently doing or have you done anything shave related that earlier you told yourself you wouldn't do?

As an example, I was always a shaving cream guy and I thought soaps seemed like an old novelty that would be more work with no noticable improvement in results.

Now with Tabac, Speick, Pre de Provence, Provence Sante, and Kent shaving soaps under my belt I'm enjoying both sides of the lather house.
I once told myself I would never ever again shave two days in a row.

Then I discovered CO Bigelow and B&B.

The rest is history. Shave every day now.
I said I would take it easy with purchases this year and so far have made 5 separate purchases...

I know, I know, I'm a disgrace!!


My elbows leak
Staff member
I said I would never;

1. Become the leader of a worldwide semi-religious cult, where my mind numbed followers numbering in the hundreds of thousands would harken at my every word, and do my bidding without question.

2. Have more than one unopened bottle of After Shave.
When I first started DE shaving I said in no way would I ever want to shave with a straight razor. Well almost a year later that's what I'm shaving with. Go figure. :001_rolle :tongue_sm :w00t: :glare:
I don't know if I've been wet shaving long enough to know what rules to make for myself let alone break them...

But I did start with the intention of shaving every other evening...I start thinking about the evening shave every day at 3... and always follow through. :)
I was adamant I would not use tallow based soap. Well, I'm going to be ordering a bowl of tabac and a speick shave stick in the next couple of weeks.

Can't let principles get in the way of the perfect shave, can we? :lol:

20 years ago I said I would never shave with another DE razor or blade again. I swore I would never use another boar brush. I decided - without testing - that I preferred creams over soaps. There was no freaking way I was ever going to pay more than $40 for a cologne.

How many more you want?
I got into this because I was so sick of forking out so much dough for shaving. I thought I would save a ton of money. 8 months later i have spent about $350 on shave product without thinking twice :)
Not doing anything I said I would never do (never is a long time), but I am doing alot of things I never thought I would do. Such as paying 150 clams for a shave brush and forty dollars for a single cake of soap...

And so it goes.....
I said I would never;

1. Become the leader of a worldwide semi-religious cult, where my mind numbed followers numbering in the hundreds of thousands would harken at my every word, and do my bidding without question.

2. Have more than one unopened bottle of After Shave.

The second one is just silly. :lol:

I said I would never collect razors. Dear God did I slip down that rabbit hole fast! I also promised my wife that I would get razors in cases.

I thought I was a set cream guy and would like soaps. I now feel they both have an important place in my den.

I didn't have any interest in colognes and wasn't going to waste money on them. I haven't bought any, but I plan on it as soon as I figure out which ones.
I told myself I'd not buy a "bunch" of razors or brushes. Just got my second razor yesterday, ordered two more (one's for my two year old, without a blade so he can shave like Daddy) also just got what I consider a "free" ever-ready brush I'm thinking about re-knotting with an old spice mug, and an actual "free" brush with the purchase of a shaving book on shoebox shaveshop. That brush will likely be my sons, though.

Now I just need to locate a decent tutorial on reknotting that brush, and a place to get my "copper" tech re-plated.

I find it funny that my wife has told me she's limiting me to 5 razors (she balked when I immediately went "ok, so that'll be 5 straights, 5 techs, 5 superspeeds, 5..." :lol: And yet she hasn't had the presence of mind to limit me to 5 brushes. Yet.
yeah i have spent more on shave gear in the past year that i have in all my time shaving. thought i was gonna save sooo much money. thanks B&B :lol:
I told myself I'd not buy a "bunch" of razors or brushes. Just got my second razor yesterday, ordered two more (one's for my two year old, without a blade so he can shave like Daddy).

Be careful with this. A two year old won't make the distinction between "my" bladeless razor and "daddy's" loaded razor... basically keep yours far far out of reach. I'm sure you're ten steps ahead of me, but that line jumped out at me.
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