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Are they Essentially the same?

I am working to expand by razor collection to a moderate number. I would like as big a cross section of blade sizes, styles and grinds as possible. I am pretty informed on the whole 4/8, 5/8, 7/8, French Point, Square Point, Barber's Notch, Shoulder vs Shoulderless...all that good stuff. But one question remains:

Is a "Near Wedge" a term synonymous with Quarter Hollow Grind? Are they basically the same thing?? Thanks in advance for any help.
Near wedge has less of a concave to it. A wedeg is just about flat and a near wedge has some curve in the grind like a 12" wheel was used maybe and 1/4 hollow would have been ground on like an 8" wheel like a full hollow on a 4" wheel. I am not sure if I have the correct sizes but its just to give you an idea on the different Radii.
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