I've been using a tweezerman brush that I got for about ten-fifteen dollars about three years ago.
I think its this one: http://www.amazon.com/Tweezerman-2801-h-Mens-Shaving-Brush/dp/B000G647Y8
I use it about 2-3 times a week and have not even seen one bristle fall out. I don't take the best care of my stuff like I could, but I also don't mess it around either. I know that I am satisfied with its use and for the price who can complain. I guess what I'm asking is are the expensive brushes really worth it? Should I upgrade? I know it's all about preference and I'm very much in the boat of if it's doing a good job I am happy with it, but am i missing out? Any suggestions of higher end stuff? Anything over $200 need not apply.
I think its this one: http://www.amazon.com/Tweezerman-2801-h-Mens-Shaving-Brush/dp/B000G647Y8
I use it about 2-3 times a week and have not even seen one bristle fall out. I don't take the best care of my stuff like I could, but I also don't mess it around either. I know that I am satisfied with its use and for the price who can complain. I guess what I'm asking is are the expensive brushes really worth it? Should I upgrade? I know it's all about preference and I'm very much in the boat of if it's doing a good job I am happy with it, but am i missing out? Any suggestions of higher end stuff? Anything over $200 need not apply.