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Approaches to blade inventory management

Wilkinson Sword Classic ⚔️(Germany) & 🕖7 O'Clock Yellows.
I keep mine in a small box. When I change blades I can't help but notice if I'm running low. So, before I run out I go online and order more. No agita.
Sure, it's nothing too complex:

Data is a single text file, with the following format:

1. Astra Superior Platinum (8) [2]

2. BIC Chrome Platinum (5) [1]

3. Bolzano Superinox (5) [1]

(X) is blade count, [Y] is number of tucks. Some data removed (the notes, mostly) for simplification

The script is a bit ugly... Here is the bulk of it. If you want the whole thing, feel free to ping me.

bcount () {
    awk -F'[.|)(]' -v patt="$brand" '$0 ~ patt\
        {printf "%s- %s %s\n", $2, $3, "blades in stock."}' "$file"

total=$( awk -F'[(|)]' '/\([0-9]+\)/ {sum+=$2} END\
        {print sum}' "$file" )

tucks=$( awk -F'[][]' '/[[0-9]+]/ {tsum+=$2} END\
        {print tsum}' "$file" )

[[ -z $opt ]] && usage && exit 1

case "$opt" in
    -b ) printf "%s\n" "$total blades in $tucks tucks."
    -c) bcount
    -n) printf "%s\n" "$total blades in stock."
    -t) printf "%s\n" "$tucks tucks currently."
    *) usage
Thanks for sharing this code!
I am a long time Linux user and I am amazed at how much you can get done with awk, sed and grep.
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