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Apple 100 Best Albums

Apparently, Apple has published a 100 best albums list. I have not looked at it very closely except to see Miseducation of Lauryn Hill as ranked first and Thriller second. Abbey Road third. Purple Rain fourth. Pet Sounds is 20th. Apparently the only Stones album in the top 100 is Exile at 53. I may not be searching properly. The only Hendrix is Are You Experienced at 53. Aja at 63. Joni Blue at 16.

I have no idea of the criteria or methodology. I wonder why Apple is bothering to do this.


Collecting wife bonus parts

Apparently, Apple has published a 100 best albums list. I have not looked at it very closely except to see Miseducation of Lauryn Hill as ranked first and Thriller second. Abbey Road third. Purple Rain fourth. Pet Sounds is 20th. Apparently the only Stones album in the top 100 is Exile at 53. I may not be searching properly. The only Hendrix is Are You Experienced at 53. Aja at 63. Joni Blue at 16.

I have no idea of the criteria or methodology. I wonder why Apple is bothering to do this.
At least where I live, and have lived, Memorial Day weekend is when local radio stations would play countdowns of their top 500 songs. Since Apple sells music now, maybe they’re trying to capture this essence while selling more tracks.
I saw one article on this list, which I thought made an interesting point, which was it is pretty ironic of Apple to be putting out a list of best albums when streaming services like Apple have pretty much killed the concept of music albums.

There are some lame choices on this list and worse is the albums they left off. But both of those items are to be expected.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I’ve looked at plenty of top 100 music lists. The top 10 are somewhat consistent among the list makers. But I don’t put much stock in to them at all. I’ll just say that Lauren Hill as #1 from Apple is not surprising. I don’t recall seeing her close to #1 on any other list.
I don’t recall seeing her close to #1 on any other list.
I am surprised, because I had not remembered it either, but Rolling Stone had it a 10 on its top 500 albums list. I remember now thinking that was a rather random rating. A decent album, as I recall, but nothing earth shattering. Kind of a one hit wonder anyway.

I noticed that one on-line article about the Apple list is either entitled or has the text "This list exists only to make you angry." Something like that. Seems right on!
I wonder where my favorite albums are on that list. Probably somewhere in the middle...



Life is good.
OH ... I saw this thread and thought it was about the best albums on the Apple label (the label the Beatles started) and I immediately wondered if there even were 100 albums on that label? Hmmm... And I thought of this album I bought in 1969


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three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I have no idea of the criteria or methodology.
This is the part (one of the parts?) that drives me crazy.

Best guitar player? Based on technique, musicality, improvisational skill, phrasing, guitar paint color?????

I bet there has never been one of these lists with even one person agreeing with all the choices - including the people who "created" the list.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
Odd list...lots of stuff I never heard about, like the the first one, but then, I am not a big rap fan (except Eminem).

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Odd list...lots of stuff I never heard about, like the the first one, but then, I am not a big rap fan (except M&M).

Because if they stuck solely to music that has technical sophistication (and I don't mean computers), clever lyrics, honest, raw vocals, masterful instrumentation by musicians that actually play instruments and all the rest, this list would only have albums from 1966 to maybe the early 1990s, which was "Grunge", but I think of as "The Last Gasp of Rock".

I think a music school in Italy did a study of popular music maybe 15 years ago. As time progressed from the 60s to the present, they determined that popular music has become more simplistic, technically bland, and the lyrics went from 6th Grade reading level, to 3rd Grade.

The newer albums and all the rap on that top 100 are so that people other than Boomers and Gen X will actually look at it.


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
Odd list...lots of stuff I never heard about, like the the first one, but then, I am not a big rap fan (except M&M).
One of my family members was in rehab with him! I do not believe that I have ever heard anything by him. I should korreck that. Soon.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
I genuinely love you "fogies", if you care it's Eminem, not

I didn't bother to look at the list. I can't imagine anyone is "right". I know that my list is different from their's and yours as well. Happy listening all. And dance like nobody's watching.
Realized this a lil later, but was busy, so I changed it now....
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