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AOS Sample Tip


I am fortunate to live near a mall that has both an Art of Shaving store and a Nordstrom's (well, and a Crabtree & Evelyn). I went to AOS to get some shaving cream samples, wanting to try the lavender and the sandalwood. As it turns out, they won't give out individual samples on the creams, but an UNSCENTED sample "kit" that contains packets of pre-shave oil, shave cream, and after shave balm. Though bummed, the sales assistant gave me three kits, so I'm not heartbroken.

But, when I went to Nordies I was able to get samples of both the lavender and the sandalwood, and I could have gotten samples of just about anything else I wanted too. Lesson learned: if you want scented samples, go to Nordstrom's.
I received a free sample box (pre-shave oil, shaving cream, after shave balm) from the AOS store at our local mall (The Woodlands). I had been in their asking questions (this was months ago when I was just starting to look at wet shaving) and the sales women perhaps saw me as a good prospect for follow up sales, or perhaps she saw it as a way to get rid of me (she was a knock out, btw, so part of my interest was probably driven by hormones :blush: ). The one thing I didn't like about the sample packages was that once you opened it the stuff went all over the place (especially the pre-shave oil), so most was wasted down the drain. Seems ungrateful to complain about a free sample, but better packaging would make it more practical.
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