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AOS Sale

Stopped in the AOS store in Boca Raton today as I'm visiting my son who is starting FAU. Unfortunately, I deleted my coupon code! They still have tallow Lemon pucks. I was going to get three, but couldn't pull up the coupon code. So if anyone is interested in AOS Lemon tallow soap, get on it!

The gentlemen in the shop were very friendly and knowledgable and gave me 10% anyway! They have a chair and someone was getting a straight shave (shavette, I imagine).
Again, I was looking to take advantage of the 20% off sale. I have been opposed to spending $30 a puck for the veggie version, but I'll splurge for one puck of the tallow stuff. I hear it's great.
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If someone has a coupon code they are not going to use I would appreciate it if you could PM it to me. I am going to try to pick up some stuff Monday.
Again, I was looking to take advantage of the 20% off sale. I have been opposed to spending $30 a puck for the veggie version, but I'll splurge for one puck of the tallow stuff. I hear it's great.
Ok, I was just confused by the desire to purchase 3 pucks. I was wondering if it was some amazing stuff or something. I also haven't spent more than $20 on one product
I was just emailed the coupon again! If anyone wants a coupon, just PM your email and name. I'll see if I can get my son to get the remaining tallow pucks today...
Went to my AOS and they had tallow soap for every scent except Sandalwood.

I was expecting to get the lemon, but the wife liked the lavender better.
Seems not every store pulled the tallow from the shelves when the veggie version came out. $24 for the five or six months of tallow lathers the old Italian puck can give you might just be worth it. I'll let you know!
Hmm. Thought I read differently elsewhere and that is why several guys are checking for the old stock in stores like TJ Maxx. Good to know.
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