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Anyone tried Gillette Pre-Shave Scrub?


Sydney Guy

I recently bought a tube of this stuff because it was half-price and I was curious about what a face scrub would do for my skin. I've used it a couple of times but don't really notice much difference, however as I've never used a face scrub before I don't have any basis for comparison.

I tried Googling for some user reviews but there don't seem to be any. Interestingly, all the hits for the product seem to be from Europe and none from the US (I'm in Australia) so I presume that Gillette don't sell it in the US. My tube says "Made in France".

Has anybody used this product and got an opinion on it?

Sydney Guy

As I noted, I'm in Australia and all the Google hits on the product come from Europe and none from the US, from which I presume that Gillette doesn't offer it in the USA. Gillette Australia is not currently selling the thermal scrub. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my query.
I've used the thermal scrub once so far and it really does warm up your face! Immediately! kind of surprised me. Since I've only used it once I can't comment as to its efficacy.
I've not seen the product in the US. (Though to be truthful, I've never set out looking for it....)

My personal oppinion is that a completely seperate pre-shave scrub probably is not necessary. I've used face washes and other "specific" products and never really seen any difference from a good quality soap. In fact, some seem to do a worse job at it then just soap.

My current regiment uses soap and asalux cloth which does a good job of cleaning and exfoliating prior to the shave.

Just my .02 and as with everything else, ymmv.
I´ve tried both types, here they sell a normal soapy one and an exfoliating one,
the soapy one was meh, no big differance, but the exfoliating one is nice, except that the loreal one is better,
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