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Anyone recognize this?

I just won this on eBay and I am hoping it is a #77 or #88 2 piece Gillette. It seems to be consistent with the Pic of the #77 on Mr. Razor's site. The seller described it as follows:

"In very good condition with some light age/use wear. The teeth are all straight and in line.
I should also mention the unusual plate design, very different from the normal Gillette designs (Please see photos). Maybe a prototype? I don't know but someone out there will do.

The razor weighs 65 grams & the handle measures 7.75cm. This set belonged to my late father and I also include another of his razors and a shaving brush as shown in the photos."

According to Mr. Razor's site the weight of the #77's & #88's is somewhere between 56g to59g.

Any thoughts from the more experienced out there? As always your input is appreciated.

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The bottom plate on the razors head... Can you show or tell us what it says?

I cannot, that pic is from the seller and I just did win the auction and haven't received the razor yet. There were not any good detail pictures of the razor on the listing.
Looks like a Gillette New bar handle in a nice Bakelite box.

When I think of Bar Handles these are what come to mind for me.


The one I purchased does not look like any of these. But my experience is very limited. That is why I seek your advice which I welcome and appreciate, BTW.
Need more pics....it can be a Richwood which is heavier .

Thanks Alex, I will not be able to do more picture wise until the razor arrives from England. I bought with the hope it was a 2 piece #77 or #88. But obviously the seller was not sure of what they had. I hope I am not too disappointed when it arrives. I knew going it was a bit of a gamble but I guess that can be said with most eBay purchases. You never really know about true condition until you get the item in your possession. In this instance it is hard to tell what model Gillette I have actually bought.

The Slim Twist doesn't look to bad. And there is a brush included as well that I have no idea what it is. Got to love a good surprise.
The one in the bakelite case looks like a #77 to me. But if it does in fact weigh 65 grams then it may be a No.81. I just weighed my #77/#88 weighs and it tips the scales at 56 grams.

Some No.81 pics and info can be found below:

Here is a 77 I owned for comparison.

Also here is a more complete image of various Gillette New handles I took a while back.

From the left:
Ball End, Husky Bar flat shoulder, Husky Bar rounded shoulder, Common bar, Norfolk bar, Thin Long bar, Thin bar, Fat Tech, Thin Tech, Tuckaway.

This image includes some of the British New handles on the far right.

And here is my Gillette head comparison photo.
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I wonder???? Who thinks it will be a 2 piece variant or a 3 piece model? From some of the examples and links you guys have shown me looks like it could be either at this point. Very hard to tell with the limited view of the sellers picture.

I love this forum. A huge amount of experience and knowledge in here.
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It looks like the handle of the razor you one may have a crimp, circled in red below. If it does then it is a two piece.

But it's hard to tell for sure from the auction photo. It is a great looking and great shaving razor. Enjoy.


No 81 no crimp on left, crimp on the right.

Image by Bestarrkin.
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I wonder???? Who thinks it will be a 2 piece variant or a 3 piece model? From some of the examples and links you guys have shown me looks like it could be either at this point. Very hard to tell with the limited view of the sellers picture.

I love this forum. A huge amount of experience and knowledge in here.

The 2 piece has a crimp ring near the bottom of the handle. I do not see one on this razor (although the image is not great). My guess is that it is a 3 piece.

Looks like xillion is taking the opposite position. Frankly, I would put my money on his guess ...
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This has to be a different razor, the weight does not indicate a #77 or its twin #88...... or was there a variant, or did he stumble upon a variant?
Congratulations Stampede, I hope that it exceeds your expectations. I really wish the seller had included more pictures of the cap and comb, since he indicated that the razor was somehow atypical (i.e., the prototype comment).
I managed to enhance and enlarge the picture a little more and it really looks like the handle is crimped to me. I am thinking that the part that Alex is referring to as a split might be where the knob inserts into the barrel of the handle. But, once again, I am not sure about that as there is just not enough detail.

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