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Anyone made cufflinks?

I have been thinking about making my own cufflinks. Has anyone tried this before? How did they turn out? What would you have done differently?
If you have, where did you buy your "blanks"?
Lets remember that everyone loves a picture!:thumbup1:


My elbows leak
Staff member
This guy did;
Great tip for an emergency, but probably not what you're looking for in a long term solution.

made these yrs ago, real watch movements, seeing this post made me rummage around to find them, forgot about them, new ebay fodder:)
My wife recently started making cufflinks. She has some pieces that are like a base, which she puts a picture or something in, then builds up a layer of resin over them. She's still "perfecting" the resin, though. Has had some trouble with air bubbles. I'll post some pictures soon.
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