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Anyone here use a vintage strop?

My first straight razor is on its way, and obviously I'm gonna need some hide to keep it moving, so I've been researching based on some suggestions I've been given.

I was just wondering if anyone here uses a vintage or antique strop? I know these things wear out having razor blades scraped across them for years at a time, but I also wonder if it's possible to find one that's old (which always appeals to me) and "broken in" so to speak, without being totally worn out.

I've no idea how I'd go about looking for something like this or knowing what to stay away from, so I'm wondering if any of you have experience with this. Thanks in advance guys.

Mike H

Instagram Famous
I have an old Russian leather strop of my wife's grandfather. I only use it after honing. For daily stropping I have a Tony Miller for post shave and Kanayama for preshave stropping.

For daily stropping, and your first strop, I would recommend a new one, Whipped-dog poor-mans kit, Illinois 127, Star shaving Big Mamma, or Petrzelka.
Your first strop will get nicked badly, very quickly.
Especially when you think you're being very careful and methodical....


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I've seen several good condition strops in antique stores, a couple NOS. I haven't bought them, because I have a serviceable strop and it wouldn't get any use, but they are out there.

I tell a lie. I did once buy a le grelot paddle strop. Which I never used, and is in a box somewhere.
yes. a nos when i got it horsehide no. 1. i added a vintage t bar handle at the bottom it was a barber end. i love it.
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