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Anyone here absolutely hate halloween?


I can't be alone in detesting Halloween, as a Brit' it was not a trick or treating thing when I was younger, yeah the odd group would come by, but now it has gone wild, my house got egged last year, I wasn't even home, had guys turning up wanting beer (your 17, buy your own!). I also find the whole knocking on peoples door thing very odd especially with very young kids doing it, it must be like home delivery for the neighborhood pervert.... I mean you're not supposed to take sweets of strangers, except, at halloween when you knock on a door and demand it or you'll vandalize their property.......

Sorry guys, I really hate Halloween, and also all that knocking on the door really interrupts me sacrificing my goat...........

Tom :D
I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. I just turn the lights out and act like i'm not home. but i'd feel pretty bad if I had a kid and they wanted to go trick or treating and good ole dad didn't take 'em cuz he thought it was stupid
How you feel about Halloween depends on what end you are on. Halloween can be great: skimpy costumes, free candy, parties, yeah! What's not so great? The rampant jackassery, including, but not limited to: multitude of drunks, egging houses, toilet papering, stealing pumpkins from people's porches and throwing them at houses, or in the street, stealing and vandalizing people's Halloween decorations, and last, but certainly not least, bag-snatching.

For me, it depends on if I'm working that night or not.
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I rather enjoy it. Candy, costumes, an excuse to scare the crap out of people...there's not a whole lot in the negative column.
Britain has only in the last 5 years partaken in such an "Americanised way" of Halloween, as it is I think it sends mixed messages to children on safety, and I get bothered by callers (I want a mat that says, "If you ain't invited, you're not welcome!"). I dislike the vandalisation of my property (took me two hours to clean my house up! If I see them trying it this year, they'll get more than eggs thrown at them.....), for refusing to give into what is essentially "Demanding money/renumeration with menaces" (an imprisonable offence! If it were committed any other time). The whole thing just grates on me.....

My Spirit? My spirit died scrubbing eggs off my windows, thrown purely for the reason I wasn't home when they called! I hate the little ***** 364 days of the year why would I want to give the little ASBO wielding ingrates sweets on the 31st October?

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I like the silliness and weirdness of it and the fact that it's just supposed to be fun.

On the other hand, I live in a very tame upper-middle class neighborhood so there's not much misbehaving.

It would be fun if everything was done "in jest", but I sort of lost my love cleaning up after it..... It used to be fun to muck about when I was kid, but it seems to have gotten very sinister of late and i'm serious about the mixed messages to kids...

Trick or treat is cool. I love to see the little kids in their costumes. I usually give out $30 - $50 worth of candy.
Eggs, toilet paper, and other assorted vandalism is not cool.
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