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Anyone Else Using Pure Avocado or Olive Oil Only?

I always see page after page of shaving soaps and a circus of other products but little about pure oil.

I am wondering if I am the only one on this board that only uses olive or avocado oil to shave. No pre-shave, no after shave. I still do face prep with a hot towel and water or in a shower, then splash a bit of water over the oil as I am shaving to get some hydro-glide.

Any other oil shavers out there?
Olive oil...that's a new one. Balsamic vinegar after shave?

I've definitely seen plenty of olive oil based soaps, but never even thought about just using the pure oil. How long have you been at it this way?
I have used olive oil for a long time, but I have recently switched to Now Avocado oil as it is a bit thinner, absorbs better, and is even better for the skin. Olive oil is great for the skin, just google "olive oil skin care" and take a look. Also "olive oil shaving". I am not alone in this, but not seeing many like me on Badger and Blade.
I have used olive oil for a long time, but I have recently switched to Now Avocado oil as it is a bit thinner, absorbs better, and is even better for the skin. Olive oil is great for the skin, just google "olive oil skin care" and take a look. Also "olive oil shaving". I am not alone in this, but not seeing many like me on Badger and Blade.

I agree brush-mower. I think olive oil is very good for the skin but I've never used it to shave with. For several years,I have applied it to my nails(which can get very brittle in an arid climate),before I trim them. It really softens them and makes them much easier to trim . I might try the shaving with it,just out of curiosity.Craig
Sounds great. But, most of the fun of shaving for me is whipping up lather. But, I am going to try this oil only shave
Olive oil...that's a new one.

Or very, very old. They say most ancient Romans shaved with olive oil, and the richest used almond oil.

I have not tried it myself. I would expect good slickness, but little or no cushion.
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Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
I have been tearing up my face lately shaving. I am thinking that this South Texas sun and heat are drying my face out. So I have been using Noxema. It is working great! No cuts. No burning. Just a smooth hydrated face.
I have put olive oil in my lathering bowl and it works well. I have also used baby oil gel as a pre-shave. It works well too.
I have used avocado oil as well as a mixture of avocado/apricot kernel oil. Works great. Really good oils for the skin.
Did it this morning. Used sweet almond oil after reading up on it on the web. MY FACE IS ON FIRE! There is a reason the Roman Empire lasted 1,000 years, that's because you've got to be a tough SOB to shave with oil only. But maybe those Romans with their olive skin had it easier than some of us fair-skinned Northern Europeans. I must admit, however, that my face is smooth, and does not feel dry, and I didn't have one weeper or cut. But, every time I touch my face this morning, it feels hot and irritated. Going back to my AOS Lavender Cream - I'm just not that cheap to sacrifice my face.
I've had a few passable shaves with oil only, but I get great shaves with a soap or cream. You really need the cushion of the lather, especially with a multi-pass shave
How does the mix of apricot kernel oil improve pure avocado oil?

I find olive and avocado oil a little thick by themselves. Apricot kernel oil is in between grapeseed oil and avocado oil in viscosity. Both avocado and apricot kernel oil are very good for the skin, don't clog pores and absorb easily. There are a number of articles on the net- search "oils skin care". Apricot kernel oil also has a longer expiration of two years where avocado has an expiration of a year. I also squeeze a couple vitamin E capsules into the mix to extend the expiration. I only have a small working bottle of an ounce or two in the medicine cabinet. I store the bulk in the refrigerator.
I wouldn't dare to shave with oil only. With some soaps and creams, that didn't feel slick and moisturizing enough, I've added a couple of drops of almond or olive oil in the bowl before lathering. This works very well, but no way I could shave without lather.
I recently discovered that Trader Joe's markets sells a 16 oz jar of virgin coconut oil for about $6. It is remarkably good for the skin and as a preshave conditioner. I will be experimenting with adding it to creams.
Sounds interesting but not about to try it anytime soon with my thick/heavy beard and sensitive skin, lol. Maybe one day, or maybe 10 years from now once i'm not having to shave everyday because of Navy Regs. Lol, but nonetheless sounds interesting...
All light-skinned Northern Europeans, for the love of God, I adjure you to NOT shave with only oil on your face! I did this after reading the OP, and two days later I am still nursing some bad abrasions and the worst sting from my alum block I have ever endured. I anticipate the suffering to continue through this coming week. Stop trying to save money on the one thing that others look at day after day: your face! Wet shaving will only save you money when it ceases to become a hobby. If you are trolling the shaving forums, then this is one of your hobbies, whether you think so or not. Nothing wrong with this; I rather like this hobby, as I'm sure you do too. Accept this for what it is, and decide how much money you are going to spend on this hobby each year.


my brain goes "thonk"
Ackvil has a recipe for a pre-shave oil with olive oil, vitamin E oil, grape seed oil, almond oil, jojoba oil and avacado oil. I think. I've been using it for a good while now and never had any problems with it. I did say pre-shave oil. I don't use it by itself. My shave shave have been very smooth, soft and clean. I'm using a 1924 now and after I shave my face feels like I didn't even shave. Plus your face will go on a high vitamin, a, d, and e diet whaich can't be bad.
I shave all the time with my OIL ONLY BLEND.
i mix equal parts:

I work it into my beard/ onto my face by hand and then work it in with a boar brush.
It provides PLENTY OF CUSHION and GLIDE. I am awaiting a shipment of lanolin to add to it.
Clogging is no worse than most soaps or creams. Lack of irritation is the biggest plus. The oil is viscous enough that the safety bar and blade don't remove all the oil off your skin .
Once I get my formula down pat, i will probably shave will oil a majority of the time.
I use oil, but as a pre-shave with my shaving soap. I do it less as a cost saver and more as a face shave. At least for me, in combination with the soap I have much softer and smoother skin, and my wife declares the shaves closer. I couldn't see shaving with oil that costs $25 for 2 ounces, though. I mix roughly 2 parts grape seed, 1 1/2 parts EVOO and 3 drops of essential oil -- the one I use is actually a blend of tea tree oil, citrus oils and eucalyptus oil.
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