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Anyone else excited about the verizon droid?

Have you guys seen this new phone from verizon called the droid? Man this phone looks cool and I wish I had the money and it was time for me to upgrade my phone because then I would... I am even contemplating paying full retail for this phone, but I will wait and let the "newness" of android 2.0 wear off and try to determine if this phone is a winner or if its all hype... who else is excited?
Yup. Did you see the turn by run navigation from Google? I can't see Garmin or Tom Tom lasting much longer if they keep this kind of stuff free.
I'm up for an upgrade in January, so, yes, I will be checking it out. However, my wife has a Blackberry and to have TWO smart phone data plans is very expensive. Maybe they'll come up with Smartphone Family plan or something. Right now I just have a regular LG phone.
I would like it better if the comertial wast like a political ad! LOL! bashing the competitor! Yes I do Own an iPhone. It should be fun to see how the droid does.
I'm up for an upgrade in January, so, yes, I will be checking it out. However, my wife has a Blackberry and to have TWO smart phone data plans is very expensive. Maybe they'll come up with Smartphone Family plan or something. Right now I just have a regular LG phone.

I've got a friend with an android phone, she just paid the penalty to cancel the data part of the plan. With WIFI nearly everywhere it hasn't been a problem for her, plus you can get apps for it that turn off 3G internet and only use wifi. Apparently it hasn't been too much of a pain in the *** so far.

I'm looking forward to getting an android phone in the future, but my contract is only up in March 2011 =\ Canada and their 3 year plans and all...
Meh. It looks like it offers some cool features, but really just looks like its trying to be the iPhone. Now, having an iPhone clone on a different carrier would be nice, but I don't really see the advantage beyond that unless one of the small feature tweaks really appeals to you (and turn by turn GPS is a big plus). I doubt this phone will cause any major shifts in the phone market because Apple is still the leader and everyone else is still just trying to copy/catch up. I'll be more interested when one of the companies finally comes out with something that offers something really new and different in the way the iPhone did to the smart phone market a few years ago.
If I had ATT I would get the iPhone, however, I have heard their coverage and support is pretty bad, and I do remember the other day when there was an outage for an entire afternoon... plus there are plenty of times when my wife and I are traveling (she has ATT) and I have service with Verizon and she does not... what I like about this phone is that it has a big capacitive touch display, slide out physical qwerty, google integration, an already decent app market, great camera for stills and video, voice activated searches and in a relatively slim form factor, oh yeah and its available on verizon, which is kind of a big deal...
If I had ATT I would get the iPhone, however, I have heard their coverage and support is pretty bad, and I do remember the other day when there was an outage for an entire afternoon... plus there are plenty of times when my wife and I are traveling (she has ATT) and I have service with Verizon and she does not... what I like about this phone is that it has a big capacitive touch display, slide out physical qwerty, google integration, an already decent app market, great camera for stills and video, voice activated searches and in a relatively slim form factor, oh yeah and its available on verizon, which is kind of a big deal...

+1. It is mostly about the AT&T. The coverage is spotty here and definitely no 3G. Verizon has my area just plastered with full coverage.
I'm really excited about it as well. It is about time that a better "open" competitor came to Verizon. I'm currently a WinMo user, and honestly love it... It can do everything that I want it to,(that the iPhone will never allow) if your willing to search around on how to do it. Android should make that process even easier.

Sadly I'm not up for renewal for another year... so I guess I'll have to wait.
Why verizon? Wasn't google all about being "open" when they were considering a bid on the TV spectrum? They should have left it up to the user to decide which network to use.
Why verizon? Wasn't google all about being "open" when they were considering a bid on the TV spectrum? They should have left it up to the user to decide which network to use.

People don't like to pay full price for phones (hence all the "I can't upgrade yet" comments above) and I'm sure the only way to get a carrier to subsidize the price of the phone with a plan is to give some type of exclusivity agreement.

Plus, the whole "open" things really applies to the Android operating system, itself.
Why verizon? Wasn't google all about being "open" when they were considering a bid on the TV spectrum? They should have left it up to the user to decide which network to use.
Andriod is more about openess in development and not about open ness of phon network.
Openness of you network may not be an issue that much longer...
I am trying to rember buut i think that there will be no more simes onece the transtion to 4g starts. that is all 4g phones will act more like cdma phones and less like gsm/tdma.
what make GSM easly unlock able is the sim cards. the sim is what gived the radio id to a network and not teh phone. with cdma the esid/meid is hard coded in the phone and in an access data base with the carrier. an example of this is both heleo an virgin leese tower access from i think sprint. for alot of time i wanted an ocean wut there was no easy way to transition the phone to sprint. the one execption to this i am aware of is cricket. cricket does use cdm phones and i dont know if they are using sprint or verizon towers. but cricket does allow stores to "migrate" esid/meid information to the cricket network.
People don't like to pay full price for phones (hence all the "I can't upgrade yet" comments above) and I'm sure the only way to get a carrier to subsidize the price of the phone with a plan is to give some type of exclusivity agreement.

I guess that's understandable, but goes againts their stance on the whole thing.

Plus, the whole "open" things really applies to the Android operating system, itself.

Not really, but I guess since I shouldn't hold it against them since they have to compete with systems already in place, but I do a little bit... Lets see what happens when the 700 Mhz range starts getting used.


Cut and paste from the article:

Specifically, Google encouraged the FCC to require the adoption of four types of "open" platforms as part of the license conditions:

  • Open devices: Consumers should be able to utilize a handheld communications device with whatever wireless network they prefer;
Open devices would be great, but there are two networks - CDMA and GSM. AT&T uses GSM, Spring and Verizon use CDMA. In my mind, CDMA is the "older" technology - the rest of the world is one GSM. But GSM doesn't have the coverage here yet.


The wife's investment
I'm liking what I see so far. I might get one in April when my Alltel/Verizon plan is up for renewal.
Why verizon? Wasn't google all about being "open" when they were considering a bid on the TV spectrum? They should have left it up to the user to decide which network to use.

Yeah Google doesn't make the hardware only the software...as someone else said it is a motorola phone capable of running the android 2.0 OS.

As for the OP, I am definitely excited to see this phone come out. So far from all the reviews I have read for it have been quite positive and although most agree that it still is not quite up to par with the iPhone it is likely the best option out there as an alternative. Each does have its ups and downs anyhow...this will give those on Verizon a good smartphone option though it likely won't draw people away from their iPhone and/or ATT.

Definitely a phone to keep a look out for and one to look into purchasing if you are on Verizon and in need of a smartphone. My contract isn't up til May of 2010, but you can bet your *** that I will be considering this phone then.
I currently use a Blackberry Curve, which I love, but it's getting beat up as I've had it for a few years. I don't have a data plan, but wifi is everywhere so it works out pretty well.

The Droid looks like a good combination of features, both hardware and software and will probably go on my short list of phones to upgrade to when my plan expires. That is, of course, if they release a GSM version. I could never go over to Verizon Wireless again, had too many problems with them.
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