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Anyone able to tell me about this?


I paid 18 dollars. Talked them down from 36. Did I pay too much? Can you tell me about the years they were made? Anything else?



My elbows leak
Staff member

I paid 18 dollars. Talked them down from 36. Did I pay too much? Can you tell me about the years they were made? Anything else?


Probably won't be shaving with it, but it is a very nice and collectible razor. I have seen them go for a HECK of a lot more than that.
Even NOS blades will probably be oxidized too far to use for a nice shave.

But yes that was a nice price for a hard to find razor. I got one here on BST for $40.

I ended up trying to hone one of my blades and it gave an adequate to poor shave. Plenty of pull. Very mild razor. I've thought about trying to modify an injector blade to fit.

edit: and mine didn't come with the cardboard mailer. You did indeed get one good deal.
YAY! I'm glad to hear that. I didn't anticipate on using it, I'm starting to collect razors and thought it may be a neat addition. I've never seen it before.
LOL, that would make sense. It would be a great tool for that. Thanks for the tip about the grabhorn. I'll check it out!
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