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Any trumpet/bugle players?

I was asked yesterday after talking to a Scouting buddy if I'd consider playing Taps for our Flag retirement ceremony. I haven't played for years, but I still have my trumpet & researched buying a bugle just to make it more official.
During my search I found that there's a lack of buglers & that folks use some kind of speaker shoved into the end of the barrel. I'm a little disturbed at the notion that someone who served their country would be rewarded with someone standing in the shadows playing Taps through a speaker shoved into a bugle. Does a veteran not deserve better than this?
I never thought much about it because I assumed that when you had a military funeral, you had someone who actually PLAYED the song. Now that I'm looking at buying a bugle though, I'm thinking about calling around to funeral homes, Reserve & Guard units, & maybe the local music stores to let them know that someone in the area is willing to actually play Taps at a veteran's funeral.
I talked to a buddy earlier who's a piper that plays at several funerals per month, he was the lead piper for Sen. Byrd's funeral, & he said that out of all the funerals where Taps is played, only one actually played the song! I'm sorry, but that bothers me a great deal!
Being a skilled musician is a dying industry. Most working and gigging musicians make less today than they did 20 years ago (not counting major label musicians). I play the trumpet myself, but after seeing several members of my family unable to actually making a living playing music, I would never use it to make money. BTW one of those family members was a nationally recognized "award winning" jazz musician...

Sad state of affairs.

As for playing Taps at funerals, there is an organization that does that. "Buglers across America" or something like that. Don't expect to be paid.

I hope there is someone left alive who can play the trumpet at my funeral when I die.
I checked out the BAA site & will probably become a member. If I played a funeral for a veteran, I wouldn't expect to be paid anything more than maybe gas & lunch money, depending on distance.
I guess I just expected that there was always someone around that could play Taps. The thought of using a digital recording to honor our veterans sets me a little uneasy. The intention is good, I understand that, but the practice seems disrespectful.
You are an honerable man. If you need any help getting your chops back into shape, feel free to ask.

We are probably the only trumpet players on this board....:001_unsur
I play "Last Post" at my town's Remembrance Day event each year. I had the honour of playing Taps for a US service member once.
I played trumpet for many years (ages 8 to 24) and used to do taps every Veterans Day for the VFW, at parades and various funerals.

I might have to check in also.
I suppose like many of my generation, I played trumpet (cornet) in middle and high school. I wasn't good. Gave up to play string bass in 10th grade, never looked back.

I had no idea that a recording was used for most veteran funerals these days. Sad, especially when each branch has a band of their own, don't they? What purpose do military musicians serve, then?
Its good to see that there are a few of us here. I don't know why there seems to be a shortage of musicians to play. With the Army, Air Force, & Navy/Marines having various bands throughout the country counting the Reserve & Guard units out there, you'd think there'd be plenty. I read on Getzen's website, the maker of the bugle I want, that something like 1800 WWII veterans die each day. I could see not having enough buglers from just the military to cover with those numbers, so I'm assuming the number of volunteers must be almost non-existent.
I've never been asked to play at any event, & haven't made an attempt to contact anyone to do so either, but I really want to start doing this when I can. Those of you who've had the chance to play, I really envy you!! I don't think there's a much higher honor.
Glad to see there are a few of us left.

If anyone needs a good way to "get back into it" I highly recommend Jeff Smiley's book The Balanced Embouchure. It is fantastic, I am currently practicing using it as a guide and I couldn't be happier with my progress given minimal effort.

Anyone into jazz at all?
I gotta admit, I sucked at jazz! Concert season was always my favorite time. Being on the field was always fun too. There's something that just feels right about getting to the part of a song that lets you play as loud as possible & "popping" your trumpet higher than normal.
If you've never heard "Simple Gifts" by WVU's marching band, you should try to find it. I hope its not just me, but it makes the hair on my neck stand up!!
Since I'm alone tonight, I think I'm gonna break out the Strad & see how rusty I've become! lol
Another trumpet player here! Its been a while since I've played seriously. Kind of decided the same thing as Radiohead that I'd not make a great living being a performer. Thanks for the suggestion on the book! I've been looking to "get back into it" recently. Its just discouraging. I used to be able to play all kinds of crazy jazz stuff and had a phenomenal range. Now my lips feel like jelly after playing for 20 min!

I used to play bugle for the Boy Scouts a lot. I'd usually just reach for my trumpet instead of the actual bugle since my trumpet was much nicer, and I sounded so much better on it. I used to have a good repitorie of bugle calls memorized. I could blast out Taps or Reveille no problem.
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I would be willing to part with the domain name... for a PRICE! :wink2:

If its much more than $Free Fitty, I can't afford it right now! :tongue_sm

I just finished up a little practice session, & while I still have "it", most of "it" fell onto the floor within 5 minutes!
Another trumpet player here as well. I currently play in a community band. Although we do not play at funerals, we do play every year at the Memorial Day Service at our cemetery. No, we do not play canned taps, but the real thing on a trumpet, or echo taps with two.

I played trumpet through high school, and 2 years of college, then put it away for 20 years, then helped start the band I am in now. Still enjoy playing, not really that good a player, but I never leave a practice or performance feeling worse than before I started.

Its good to see some more comin out of the shadows!!
Jeff, good or not, its not easy to get up in front of a crowd & belt out a good tune! Good for ya for staying with it!!
Yeah, that is true. Most of the buglers they send out to play at funerals are using a fake bugle with a synthesizer or something. I guess they get a real bugler to play at the official ceremonies in Washington and that type of thing.

I went to a funeral for a WWII vet in February (Navy Vet). They were highschool ROTC I think. It was not a real bugle to my knowledge, but I have to say these young people were extremely respectful and they did a great job overall. I think they were a credit to the military, especially being so young like they were.
Glad to see there are a few of us left.

If anyone needs a good way to "get back into it" I highly recommend Jeff Smiley's book The Balanced Embouchure. It is fantastic, I am currently practicing using it as a guide and I couldn't be happier with my progress given minimal effort.

Anyone into jazz at all?

I think my avatar speaks for itself on the jazz question. Thanks for the book tip, I'll look into it too. How fitting his last name is "Smiley" :)
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