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Any speaker-builders on here? (home stereo)

I like classical music and woodworking/cabinet-building/boat-building, so I'd like to be able to find a set of plans for speakers that give me the most performance for the buck and are still buildable by a guy without an EE degree!! Suggestions welcome! It's easy to Google, but as you know, the amount of suggestions can be overwhelming, so I was hoping to hear from personal experience. Thanks!
i have been longing for years building a set of frugelhorns...


I probably just need to start and available time will show up..

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Take a look at GR Research (http://www.gr-research.com.) They sell some nice kits. I built a set of their AV-1 a few years ago as computer speakers, and they're great. You get the price of DIY, but the kit is designed by a professional speaker designer. I plan on building more of his kits in the future.

Honestly if you want something that sounds really good, just buy a pair, most loudspeakers now are designed by number crunching computers to get them to sound as good as possible. Unless you want to go to the length of figuring out and eliminating potential resonant frequencies in the box, pre-built is the way to go (or a kit, as mentioned above!)
Im currently building a set of tower speakers, using the Zaph Audio ZA5 Kits from www.madisound.com (Awsome customer service, Emailed them a question about a driver size. Less than an hour later I had all the dimensions) All the cross-overs are built for you, so no real electronics experience is needed; though you can buy your individual drivers and components and do it all yourself. These are the front baffles 3/4 mdf and and resawn 3/4 paduk resawn to have the towers book matched. I used the System Three mirror coat on the top, didnt use just enough so I had to sand it down to level it all out and currently polish it back to get the mirror shine.


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I built a pair inspired by the Bottlehead Straight 8. It's a wide range speaker that uses 4 drivers in 2x2 pattern in a vented box, using a box sizing software called Win ISD. A pair of powered sub-woofers take care of the signal from about 55hz down, allowing the 2A3 'power' amps to focus on the music not the rumble.

The result was a very nice learning experience. I had poo-pooed that horizontally spaced drivers develop the dreaded comb effect, but yep, raucous music gets muddled. Lesson learned.

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