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Any Sanrenmu Knife Owners Out There?

Just curious if anyone here owns any Sanrenmu knifes. I'm not very into knives nor do I carry one, but for a cheap, foldable knife for camping or EDC I think these are great. They are made in China and some of the models are copies of other knives which may turn people off, but they are surprisingly good quality for the price of less than $10. I currently only own the Sanrenmu 730 but I was thinking of ordering the 710.
I've almost bought the Chris Reeve clone before, and almost bought the Bee/Enlan axis lock clone before, but for some reason have never followed through. If you get either one of these let me know how wonderful they are and it will probably push me into getting one.
Three of the zb-t21 multi tool (knife, screwdriver /bottle opener, seat belt cutter, and window breaker). One for me, one for the gf, and one for the car. Hope they're worth the $11 each :laugh:
DO they make any fixed blades?

My Leatherman Style is my EDC but I would like something a bit more sturdy on fishing trips.
I bought one, and it was just delivered. It looks well made, and has a gentleman-like look. But actually I think my Opinel peasant knife looks more classy.


I removed the clip from the SRM. The hex screws may look odd, but they serve as a good thumb grip.
Just got the 710. A little heavier than my Benchmade. Reviews indicate that the blade steel is a bit softer. But, at .1X the price....
Got one of the 710 series...figured for $19 why not; very nicely surprised. Good tight construction, steel looks decent. Only 2 bad things are/were:
1. Had the edge of a butterknife when I first got it. Not to worry. A brief session on a King 1k, followed by some work on a Norton 4k, a brief workout on a Norton 8k and finally 3 or 4 licks on a ceramic honing rod put an exceptionally keen edge on this spud. Curious to see how long it lasts.

2. Has this goofy design on the scale and I cannot figure out how to safely remove it without messing up the whole thing.

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