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Any good brushes in the $40 range?

Being a novice brush user on a budget, I started with a tweezerman. It was too stiff, so I tried a Delong, which was too big and floppy. I think I need a cross between the two, so I'm thinking a best, super, or silvertip with a loft of 50mm or less. It seems after these $20 budget brushes, the price triples and goes up from there. Is there anything out there that fits my needs for around $40, or do I just need to start filling the piggy bank until I can buy a more expensive brush? Thanks
PenWorks ST1R-22
10% extra off with coupon code B&B it comes to $47.21


Grade A Silvertip 22mmx50mm knot its very soft, very dense and not floppy at all.

I have its bigger brother the 24mm knot, sucker works like a pro :thumbup1:
If you are willing to try a boar brush, there's lots to try in either Omega, Semogue and I believe Vulvix as well, that will easily meet your price point.
If you are willing to try a boar brush, there's lots to try in either Omega, Semogue and I believe Vulvix as well, that will easily meet your price point.

In my first post I forgot to mention that my very first brush was a VDH boar. It shed like a madman and was very scratchy. That is what prompted me to buy the Tweezerman. I think I'm a badger man for life, but I appreciate your response. :001_smile
Well after some reading and researching, I ending up buying this one

After the discount it was under $37 shipped. I'm sure the Grade A Silvertip would be softer on the face, but I feel like this brush should be much more comfortable than the Tweezerman.
Well after some reading and researching, I ending up buying this one

After the discount it was under $37 shipped. I'm sure the Grade A Silvertip would be softer on the face, but I feel like this brush should be much more comfortable than the Tweezerman.

As good a value as the Tweezerman is, I think ANY brush that Penworks has will be more comfortable. The brush you picked out was on my short list of purchases. I ended up getting something a little different. I am not sure how dense you like your brushes, or if you have a preference for that sort of thing yet, but it might not be as dense as the Grade A. If it is anything like the silvertip I got from Penworks, it will be a great brush.
As good a value as the Tweezerman is, I think ANY brush that Penworks has will be more comfortable. The brush you picked out was on my short list of purchases. I ended up getting something a little different. I am not sure how dense you like your brushes, or if you have a preference for that sort of thing yet, but it might not be as dense as the Grade A. If it is anything like the silvertip I got from Penworks, it will be a great brush.

Those Penworks brushes look like great value for the $. In fact, they just look like great brushes, period.

I love your avatar. The most interesting man in the world is awesome. BTW, contrats on the brush it looks like a winner.

I bought the FB2-22, which arrived last Saturday. You will be absolutely amazed at the quality of these brushes.
Well after some reading and researching, I ending up buying this one

After the discount it was under $37 shipped. I'm sure the Grade A Silvertip would be softer on the face, but I feel like this brush should be much more comfortable than the Tweezerman.

Awesome its the Vulfix copy handle with a real knot, the first thing you're going to notice is how firm and dense the knot is compared to the previous brushes you've owned.

Shouldn't have a problem lathering anything, and should be able to face and bowl lather.


Those Penworks brushes look like great value for the $. In fact, they just look like great brushes, period.


I started a revolution!

Well ok not quite, but really they look even better in person :001_cool:
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Thanks everyone for your replies. Let's see now, 4 brushes, 5 razors, 4 soaps, 1 cream, and 3 aftershaves, and tomorrow only makes 45 days as a B&B member. I see some AD's developing. Well, at least I have my blade brand narrowed down. lol
I bought the FB2-22, which arrived last Saturday. You will be absolutely amazed at the quality of these brushes.

I bought 5 of their badger hair knots (from the golden nib - same guy) that he uses in all his brushes. All of them have been top notch, very high quality knots. Very little shedding and very good performance.
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