A very nice B&B member has offered to pick up some tobac from McCranie's for me as a thank-you for some fragrance decants/samples I'm sending his way. I've always been interested in Red Ribbon based on the glowing reviews it gets (or got) on tobaccoreviewsDOTcom, but noticed it's not in stock right now. The reviews are for Red Ribbon (1983) and Red Ribbon (2000). Apparently McCranie's bought large crops of red Virginia tobacco in those years and sold only as much as those stocks would produce. Thing is, like Red Ribbon, the reviews for Red Flake are split into the same two year groupings, 1983 and 2000. However, there is currently Red Flake in stock at McCranie's. I'm going to have this fellow pick up a tin of Red Flake for me, but I'm curious if anyone knows why there's Red Flake kicking around right now and no Red Ribbin. Also, is the Red Flake being sold at McCranie's from 2000 or is it a newer stock that just hasn't been reviewed yet at TR.com?