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Any decent leather cases for the Feather AS-D1?

Hi, can anyone recommend a nice fitting leather case to suit the AS-D1? Feather only seem to produce the wooden box it comes in. The best suited item looks to be the Parker leather case; I guess the most suitable case would provide a snug fit without having to shoe-horn the razor in, and the Parker isn't as expensive as some of the other branded ones.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks.


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
I was going to recommend this case available at WCS but I see they're out of stock. :(

$B&B Razor Case .jpg $B&B Razor Case 3.jpg
That case "Intrigued" posted is really nice and soft Leather, I have it and love it.

Wasnt that like a Limited edition? Or do they continue to sell those ?
I have a case that looks identical with the exception of the B&B stamped on it that WCS sent with a razor I bought from them earlier this year. Indeed, it is a nice well made case.
The Feather Fits like a Glove in that B&B Edition WCS case, I ordered Two of them and i have no regrets. They are well made and a nice Thick but soft leather :thumbup:
I ordered one of the B&B leather cases that Connie mentioned from WCS a while ago and love it. Use it every time I travel.
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