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Any cure for soap and cream AD?

Recently got into wetshaving, and the unbranded soap puck that came with my razor is very nearly through (as well as cracked into pieces) I went a little mad in comparison to my budget and i've got my eyes on more. Any help?
No help. If you buy more than you can use in a lifetime and want more--replace what you don't want. Honestly.

If I don't have enough to last me till i'm 50 then I figure i'll use it eventually. Anything more is excess and if I want more i'll sell what I like less and use that money and replace. Works pretty well.
0.o that's a scary approach. Within the space of a day of deciding to order some, i've put in for some Bluebeards revenge (attracted by the shiny packet) some Mitchells wool fat and am thinking of getting the Trumpers Eucris and Coates tea tree. I can't wait for the postman to come-i asked my fiancee for a Merkur 39c slant for our anni, and i'm also looking at a new brush (but have no idea where to start). Help!
If you're looking for a cure you're not going to find it. I too suffered from the same AD not long ago. What did I do? I just dove in and embraced it... much happier.
oh dear...that's expensive...did i at least pick good products upon which to turn my debit card upon?
The only cure is to buy more soaps.

This lasts until you find a post about another soap you haven't tried.
then i should really stop looking. I might wait to see what the Bluebeards revenge is like. It seems to have received really positive press, but a little TOO positive if you see what I mean.
btw. I've heard sandalwood is nice, was thinking of buying. But what does it actually smell of?
It smells of NO? it might put off all the dudes that try and grope me at work (i'm male too-it's damn creepy) i may have to buy some
A cure for this SAD and SCAD has eluded scientists for many years...many have claimed to have found a cure only to find that their test subjects regress back into back into a state of SAD/SCAD. Scientists have even tried to cure this disorder by introducing test subjects to other fixations such as razors, shaving brushes, and aftershaves; but all this has done is create a host of other disorders such as RAD, SBAD, and ASAD. For now the best the scientific community can do is try to control and slow down the progression of AD's, however, a new threat is on the horizon...a group of people who can only be identified by their association with Badger and Blade threaten to spread AD's faster than they have ever been spread before. With their global reach the members of Badger and Blade have the ability to create a global AD pandemic!
I'm afraid there's no cure, but, it sounds as if you've bought some really good products! You live in the land of great shaving products, with Trumpers, Coates, Truefitt & Hill, Taylor of old Bond Street, and more. You've got a great selection of products right at your doorstep almost. Good choices, and like a couple have advised already, just buy and see what you like, then sell what you don't care for.

The Bluebeard's Revenge is good cream! I won some in a contest, and it's a great cream. Good lather, great protectiveness, pretty slick. I think you'll enjoy it!

I've found no cure, but a treatment. Lasts about a week! it's called the bank statement. I don't wanna use cheap products any more; unnatural goo just doesn't cut as well as a nice lather.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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I've found no cure, but a treatment. Lasts about a week! it's called the bank statement. I don't wanna use cheap products any more; unnatural goo just doesn't cut as well as a nice lather.

There's a work-around that I found... But it doesn't exactly work... Find 3 other friends in your area, buy a huge selection of soap, split the cost in 4. Cut the soaps in 4...
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