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Antique store sightings: educate me

Had some free time after a lunch meeting today and decided to pop into a couple of antique shops to look at shaving gear. I've never done this before. Here's some stuff I found. If you know anything about this stuff, please share. I apologize ahead of time for the crappy cell phone pics.

These first 2 pics are of a Penn SE w/case



The next two are of a "service issued Gillette." I liked this one and it was in pretty good shape.


(says "Gillette" on top)

I also came across an Aristocrat w/case that was in ok shape but I didn't get a pic.

what do you think?

I forgot to mention prices. They wanted $16.50 for the Penn, and the Gillette comes to $18.71 after discount.
Please someone correct me if I am wrong, but would a "service issued" tech have any particular markings?

I ask because many times, at least in my experience, sellers(both on the Bay and in stores/flea markets) have just enough knowledge to be VERY dangerous. I have heard some whoppers when it comes to razors, like the Kewtie razor was issued to female armed service members in WWII for "personal shaving in the South Pacific region", only to be topped by some of the Zippo tales people tell. If your Zippo has a Roman numeral, it's not "from the 60's and very rare". It's from the mid 80's to 90's.
That looks like a regular ball tech to me. I'm no authority as I'm learning this as well but I thought issued techs were black.

How can you tell if it's issue?
can't remember for sure. I think it was $25. came with case (and some old blades as well). It wasn't in as good condition as the Tech was, though.

Do you remember what the Aristocrat looked like? Gillette made many different models known as an 'Aristocrat.' Depending on which Aristocrat it is and the condition, the price could range from a very good price to quite the steal. Did it look like one of these: one or two? Or perhaps one of these: one, two, three, four?
Do you remember what the Aristocrat looked like? Gillette made many different models known as an 'Aristocrat.' Depending on which Aristocrat it is and the condition, the price could range from a very good price to quite the steal. Did it look like one of these: one or two? Or perhaps one of these: one, two, three, four?
If memory serves, it looked most like #4. but it wasn't gold

If you're interested, I just got off a Tech aquisition binge and have a few sweet ones I am not using. $12.00 shipped. Let me know if you'd like pictures.
thanks. I'm probably gonna wait a while, but I appreciate the offer.

That looks like a regular ball tech to me. I'm no authority as I'm learning this as well but I thought issued techs were black.

How can you tell if it's issue?
I'd love to know the answer to this question.
sounds like I should go back by Monday and take pics to post here.

Some pictures would be very helpful. If it wasn't gold, then it is quite possible that the razor does not go with the case. There was an Old Type Aristocrat that was silver plated, but it doesn't say 'Aristocrat' on the case. Apart from this one, I'm not aware of any other US made Aristocrats that were silver or nickel. There are several different British Gillette safety razors that were known as an Aristocrat, but it seems that most didn't say 'Aristocrat' on the case anywhere. So, some pictures would be very helpful.
Those are laughable prices, especially $18 for a tech. Imo i'd pass on those.... I've seen aristocrats go for $15 with case on the bay.
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