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Antique shop find

This is the only one I have found in an antique shop so far, not from want of looking. I haven't cleaned it up yet but it's in perfect working order.
Every antique shop I have been to up here in Winnipeg tends to just box the razors and store them in the basement, they don't see them as an easily salable big ticket item. I was scouring flea markets to find mine and they still are looked at as junk items and usualy go for a song.
My parents' own an antique store, so I have been lucky to get my razors from there. I have a Fatboy (don't recall the year off hand) and a SuperSpeed. We also have several straight razors. Haven't had the guts/time to use a straight, but I have been using a DE since the time I needed to shave! I started out using gel goo stuff and a Fatboy.

That does look like a decent find, though! Old DE's are awesome!
I have visited DOZENS of antique malls and flea markets in the past few months without seeing a single DE razor.

Straights and single edges abound in the Buckeye state. The DE razors are all in hiding!!!
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