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antique Boker info?

I have a set of two Straights that I just 'adopted' from my parents, they came with out of the safety deposit box with my Grandpas DE aristocrat.

I'm looking for any info I can find on them, and maybe one day when my skills get better I can give them a try.

Straight #1;
Case: Rasio Marco, Tridente, Ed Wusthof, Solingen.
SR: Hamburg Ring, H.Boker & Co.

Straight #2;
Case: King Cutter, H.Boker & Co,
SR: King Cutter, H.Boker & Co, Solingen.

Both look to be in great condition and if honed properly should shave very well.

Bokers are very well regarded. Great pair of razors you have there!
From what I can tell I have almost the same King Cutter, but beyond that I don't have anything more to say... heh
You have two excellent blades there. With the added benefit that they are heirlooms. Get them honed by a pro and then learn to shave with them- after a short time you will go from ready to wet your pants, to cannot wait to to shave!:blush:

If you are not going to use them soon, put a light coating of oil on them to prohibit any additional deterioration.
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