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Antarctic whisky discovery

DRTA but heard the story this AM on the radio. The most interesting part of the tale, IMHO, is that through the magic of science they will be able to recreate the whiskey. Cool. :blushing:
This belongs in the "If you were rich" thread.

If I were rich, I'd buy that scotch.

Why? because it's rare? There's no guarantee it's good. Scotch doesn't bottle-age, and I'd suffer a guess that the whisky you'd take on an expedition might not have been exactly top-shelf to begin with.

Neat story, but I wouldn't have busted my *** to get at the stuff personally.
Why? because it's rare? There's no guarantee it's good. Scotch doesn't bottle-age, and I'd suffer a guess that the whisky you'd take on an expedition might not have been exactly top-shelf to begin with.

Neat story, but I wouldn't have busted my *** to get at the stuff personally.

Didn't think of that:001_rolle
I remember hearing about that a while back. That would be cool if the current distillery could replicate the recipies.
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