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Another one of my hobbies that started off as a way to save money. LOL

My home espresso setup!!!


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Nice setup, Parker.

What are you going to save money on next? Home brewing? :drool:

(I've got two home lever espresso machines at home)
Another one of my hobbies that started off as a way to save money
I've spent maybe $1,500 for espresso equipment (not counting the prior steam toys) including my Silvia, Rocky, PID and Super Jolly. That doesn't even take into account the proceeds from selling my Rocky. I should disclose that my Super Jolly was acquired from a company liquidating retired Starbucks equipment years ago and it only cost me ~$120. While the capital outlay was quite a bit it has saved me in the long run versus 2 lattes out at coffee shops each day.

~$6/day = $2,190/year = $19,710 over the past 9 years (my Silvia is that old).

Even factoring in the cost of reverse osmosis water, organic milk, sweetener, beans, etc it's still a significant net savings for me. As such, there's no sticker shock over spending ~$2,500 to upgrade to one of the dual boilers I'm considering. Just not sure where that money's coming from at the moment...

Even if I wasn't saving money the significant improvement over the majority of coffee shops around here would make it worth it in my opinion. It has only been in the past 6 years or so that a truly good one opened up near me. Of course, that has bitten more into what I have been "saving" versus going out than I'd care to admit.
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Everytime I see pics like this...I want to buy an espresso machine and grinder...my little pour over and french press just don't have the sex appeal...:drool:
Whenever I think about the economics of producing a great cup of coffee at home, and consider the inexpensive cost of brewing a great french press, drip/pour-over, aeropress, moka, etc, I question why is all this expensive espresso gear needed? After all, these other more simplistic methods can produce a great cup of coffee that is hard to beat. But later, if only occasionally, I will get the most amazing Espresso/Americano ever and stop questioning those that pursue the ultimate Espresso.
I get a great cup from either my Cuisinart Brewcentral, or my french press. The trick is using good water, and beans, and then decanting into a thermal carafe after brewing.

I guess I'm a little more frugal with my Gaggia classic and MDF grinder. I can definately get a good shot of espresso out of it. Its not quite as sexy though. I think of it as kind of the difference between a gillette redtip and president. Both get the job done but one with a little more PANACHE. Congrats nice setup there. Thats a double boiler not a heat exchanger correct?

I guess I'm a little more frugal with my Gaggia classic and MDF grinder. I can definately get a good shot of espresso out of it. Its not quite as sexy though. I think of it as kind of the difference between a gillette redtip and president. Both get the job done but one with a little more PANACHE. Congrats nice setup there. Thats a double boiler not a heat exchanger correct?


Yes, it's a double boiler. When you get upgraditis, I'd suggest upgrading the grinder first. It'll make the biggest difference for the dollar. By the way, I started with almost exactly the same pairing. Gaggia Coffee with MDF.

I have a QuickMill Anita Heat Exchanger:

Along with an MCAP M4 Stepless..

Wait till you get into Home Roasting.. I also have a HOTTOP roaster, fresh espresso beans every 10 days !!!... it's NICEEEE !!
congrats on the set up. I wish I could taste what a good home brewed cup taste like. More often than not I rn into bitter/burnt coffee at starbucks than I'd like. I try desperatly to find independents and find their coffees are better but more expensive. Your set up is what I eventually would like to arrive at. I've been hinting as such to my wife. Maybe Christmas I'll get one. Again, beautiful set up! Bravo!
Man, I must be in the minority here! Still chugging along with Old Faithful, the little Braun machine that we've had for something like 18 years now. I long ago lost track of how many thousands of shots that little guy has made. We had to replace the carafe after dropping something on it (DOH!) and bought a spare when I found a cheap one. The turbo frother (? - don't know the proper name) actually does a surprisingly good job of frothing milk, too.
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