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Another of the "not chosen".......

So, I walked into my local Bed, Bath, and Beyond on an errand. Decided to check out the shaving aisle (as usual).

They always have the elusive Lilac Vegetal in stock, but all the containers are always tightly sealed. I've never had the guts to spend the 9 bucks to find out what it smells like, but I always look at it, hold it in my hand for a few seconds, and then put it back on the shelf.

This time around, I noticed that the second one back has been opened by somebody. Yes! I'll finally get a chance to smell this stuff, I think to myself. So I cautiously opened the bottle and took a whiff.

Yikes.:blink::001_huh: Not content with "not good," LV ventures all the way over into REPULSIVE! Oh. My. G'! It smelled God-awful.

Shoulda just walked away.

But, I remembered everybody saying that the smell out of the bottle is not at all what it smells like after you put it on your skin and it dries down. So, I attempted to put a tiny bit on the fleshy part between the thumb and forefinger of my left hand. Alas! a boat-load of it poured out onto my hand. I shook some of it off and rubbed the rest of it in.

Um....still repulsive.

Just let it dry down, I told myself. So, I went on to finish the rest of my errands. I was constantly looking around to see if people were going to run away from me.

I smelled it about every minute or two for about the next half-hour, until I could get home and wash it off.

Sorry, guys, but it was seriously FOUL the entire time.

The skin on my hand felt wonderfully soft and smooth, so I can see that it would FEEL good as an aftershave,.....but how in the world anybody could purposely put this stuff on their faces I have no. earthly. clue.

I had to wash my hands three times, and it still stunk. So I went out into the garage and used Lava soap to scrape off a couple of layers of skin. Anything to get that stench off my hand!:blink:
I'm starting to think that LV is really Sex Panther, by Odeon

I'm going back a little while, but back in the early to mid-1990s, about the only Pinaud product Eckerd Drugs (remember them?) sold was Pinaud LV.

I was not wild about the smell because it had more V than L in my book.

I have become a convert to Masters Lilac Vegetol. It's more balanced to my nose. I don't wear this every day, but it's in my ever growing rotation.

I put some on my hand
To see if it mellows,
And I can hardly breathe,
This stuff is reeking so.
And everyone can tell
From that God awful smell.
The Veg ain't chose me.
(no it ain't chose me)

No I am not the one
To rock the Veg at night;
It smells like cat litter
And that just isn't right
I have to duck my friends;
This scent won't ever end.
The Veg ain't chose me.
(no it ain't chose me)

For I never knew the stench of Vegetal,
Even though it may work for you.
Afraid and shy, I waited long to try.
But now me and that evil stuff are through.
(We are so through)

Phil said "It works for me,
Give that ol' Veg a try."
And now I run away,
Oh how it burns my eyes
Oh, I will never know
How he could love it so.
The Veg ain't chose me.
So, I walked into my local Bed, Bath, and Beyond on an errand. Decided to check out the shaving aisle (as usual).

Do most BBB have a shaving aisle? The only shaving stuff I've noticed there was the electric shavers in a stand at the front.

I have a TON of BBB gift cards from getting married. Would love to buy some stuff locally.

It's not going to be Lilac Vegetal though! :biggrin1:
Do most BBB have a shaving aisle? ...:

Apparently only some of their stores do. My local one has a very well stocked shaving aisle. They carry Clubman/OS/LV along with the usual suspects. They have VDH soap. They also carry Pacific Shaving Company shaving cream and oil, as well as Cremo, etc. They carry Bic Metals and Bic Sensitives. They carry Wilkinson DE blades.

they also carry all the multi-bladed monstrosities, of course.
Apparently only some of their stores do. My local one has a very well stocked shaving aisle. They carry Clubman/OS/LV along with the usual suspects. They have VDH soap. They also carry Pacific Shaving Company shaving cream and oil, as well as Cremo, etc. They carry Bic Metals and Bic Sensitives. They carry Wilkinson DE blades.

they also carry all the multi-bladed monstrosities, of course.

I got my Veg at my local BBB. Fun times.
Love the Veg. It's what my Great-Uncle George wore when I saw him countless Sundays at the Aviation Club in Denver (is it still there?) with his pinky ring, grey suit and ascot, during the '60s. I loved my Uncle George, and I love my Veg, which always reminds me of him. I try not to sport it if my wife is awake when I leave the house, but if she wakes up before I leave, I always apologize.
The Veg chose me and its not hated by SWMBO so i am in the clear and my cat loves the stuff. Its not for everyone and I think that what makes the "legend" so cool.
Good job for trying though.
I guess I am lucky. None of the BBB where I have lived have ever stocked this "gem." In fact, the only thing I see in the shaving area are electrics and carts.

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The Instigator
Well. It isn't the formulation that John Wayne wore, anymore.

Perhaps when it was tweaked for the plastic bottle it became all ... veg-y.

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