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Another mixed pair => DFS !

Okay, I've been delaying cracking open the package of Merkur blades that came in my WCS sampler pack last year, mainly because they don't get a whole lotta lovin' here.
My own experience with the Merkur sample blade that came with my 12c last year was decent, though.

So, okay, Merkur blades have a reputation for being a little harsh. :bored:

Since a couple of weeks ago I had strikingly good results from pairing an aggressive razor (Merkur 12c) with an extremely mild and forgiving blade (Dorco ST-300), and since last summer I had very good results from the classic pairing of a Tech and a Feather, I thought...

Why not try the reputationally harsh Merkur blades in my aggressively gentle Tech? :mellow:

One pass wtg, one pass atg, one pass mainly t.u. but also covering the rest of my face while I was at it.
Being a Tech, the shave was naturally not BBS.
But in spite of the fact that the blade was a Merkur, it turned out to be quite a DFS. :thumbup1:

If you're wondering how to use up a package of Merkurs, or any blade that's really just too harsh, a gentle razor such as a Tech might be a good way to go.

Pax y'all,
- TimeWeaver

P.S. As always, YMMV! :wink2:
It is good to see you didn't give up on trying them since they get a bad rep; I like them in more aggressive razors too and the Merkurs are one of the few blades that can give me DFS shaves in 2/3 passes without any irritation.

Just too expensive....
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