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Another Issue with AOS Customer Service

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Back in March I blogged about an incident I had with the customer service at Art of Shaving. I meant to post it here sooner, but I had completely forgotten until I saw that message posted earlier.

So here's a... ahem... edited version of what I wrote about my experience. It's a little long, so please try to bear with me:

Over the past six months or so, I’ve gotten really into shaving. How this occurred and what it means in the grand scheme of things is not particularly important right now. The point is, I hated paying for those terrible Gilette cartridge razors, and have now switched to using a straight razor. In other words, I’ve decided follow the path of Admiral William Adama, because he’s the ultimate Man.

Pursuing this new “hobby” has opened my eyes to some of the awesome shaving creams and soaps that are out there. One brand (which was actually the first brand I tried several months back when I revamped my shaving routine) is The Art of Shaving. If you ask me, by name alone, it sounds like a stupid, gimmicky brand, and I wish I could dismiss them as such. The fact is, they make some excellent products. But here’s another fact: they are deceitful bastards.

I got a $10 off promotional offer from them, which I thought was pretty sweet, cause that meant I could get a full tub of really nice shaving cream for only $12. Though the thing that I really wanted was the shaving soap, that’s like 45 bucks at full price, and I wasn’t prepared to even spend 35 at that point in time. So I brought my little coupon in, bought the shaving cream, and went home. I think they have great shaving creams in general, but unfortunately this one did not work well for me. Burned my face, and made me cut myself more than usual. Maybe it was defective, maybe it’s just my skin, I don’t know. I wasn’t upset. I mean, I was disappointed because I liked that scent, but it was okay.

I tried it once again a week or two later, and when I got the same results, I decided to return it. At this point, I figured “I’ll just return this, get my $10 coupon back, and spring for the soap.” And this is where things got unpleasant.

The lady working was more than happy to let me return the shaving cream. She said I could exchange it for the soap and just pay the difference. So basically, I had originally bought a $22 product for $12. The transaction should have been very simple: I return the original product, and she refunds me the $12 I paid. At that point, I would have no product, and they would have none of my money. In other words, as with any refund, there was basically no transaction. Then I could have bought the shaving soap and re-applied the $10 discount to that instead. So I would pay $35, and also get that $12 refund. That would make sense.

Instead, she has to get on the phone with HQ and talk to someone for about 10 minutes about how to successfully complete this transaction. She gets off the phone, says a bunch of blah blah blah that doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense (either she didn’t know what she was talking about, or she knew it would confuse me), and I pay her about $35, get the soap, and leave. But then when I left, I looked at the receipt. The $10 promotion had NOT been applied. Instead, she deducted the price I’d paid for the cream ($12) from the price of the soap. Which meant that I was clearly not going to be getting a refund for the cream. And obviously they wouldn’t just send me a $10 promotional offer as pure cash or credit. So I went back in and confronted her about that. That was when she explained that the promotion can only be used once, and even though by returning that first product I had negated the original use of the promotion, it could never be used again. I told her that that made no sense, and she agreed.

Now let’s review:

-I receive $10 promotional offer.

-I buy a product, because I get $10 off.

-Product doesn’t work; it physically hurts me.

-I return product to exchange for a more expensive product (I am giving the company more money).

-Somehow, I immediately surrender the right to use the $10 discount.

So basically, if I had simply exchanged that tub of shaving cream for the exact same product in a different fragrance, they would have actually charged me $10. Well, shucks. If I’d known that in the first place, I would have just sold the shaving cream for $20 or so to someone who could use it. Then I would have made $10 (actually $8, but close enough) on my original transaction, and I could have used that profit to buy the soap and, in the end, spend a grand total of $35 instead of $45. Instead, The Art of Shaving screwed me. And I don't like that. Even though $10 is not a whole lot of dough, it’s the principle of the thing that I’m concerned with.

So I email their customer service, and explain all of this painstaking detail. No response. Clearly, they don’t think it’s worth their time to get back to me. I write another email, basically explaining everything again. I think my email was very clear, and I made a completely valid argument. I finally got a reply:

Case Number 18902
Customer Customer Support Cases
Creation Date 3/3/2010, 7:56 am (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Case Type Expert Advice
Case Origin E-mail
Case Priority Medium
Case Status Closed

Please see below for information regarding your inquiry. Your original message as well as our reply is attached.

Dear Jesse,

Thank you for contacting us. We appreciate your interest in our products and services.

All of our $10.00 off coupons clearly state that they are single use coupons and are not transferrable to any other transaction. Therefore, we are unable to apply this discount to your most recent exchange.


Whitney _____
Customer Service
The Art of Shaving

Excuse me? Case closed? I don’t know about that. Pretty sure I'm the customer who’s upset. Maybe I should be the one who decides when the case is closed. Not only that, but the “Case Priority” is only “Medium?” Last I checked, customer satisfaction was a high priority for companies that make their money selling products to customers. Or am I just and idiot?

There's a bunch of expletives that follow in the original post, but I think this covers everything pretty well. I just felt like I really tried hard to get in contact with them and I didn't give up, so they should have at least given me something other than a curt reply. I don't plan on buying from them again. Really snotty employees much of the time. Also not particularly honest. When I bought the shaving soap, she asked if I wanted to buy a refill puck as well. They know how long these products can really last for.

Forget AOS. They're jerks.

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Maybe they're jerks... But their soap is fantastic. Sorry you had a poor experience, hopefull you can find some AOS products on the BST.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Sorry to hear of your bad experience.
Their soap and cream works great for me.
My experience in several different shops has been that their sales staff is less than knowledgeable in things shaving related.
Not unexpected in this day and age with rotating sales positions and rapid turnover.
I'm confused - if you had just returned the cream, you would have got $12 back, not $22, no?
I think he was hoping to get his $12 cash and his $10 coupon back (since he used both to purchase the product). Then, he could apply the coupon to the soap instead of the cream. Sounds reasonable to me.

If I understand correctly, what essentially happened was the the company took his $10 coupon without allowing him to redeem it.
I don't think you should have gotten your coupon back. Your use of the coupon means that you accepted the terms (single use, etc.). I also don't think you deserve anything else beyond a reply. As far as I can tell, there was nothing wrong with the way the transaction was handled on the corporate level.

Now on a personal/local level. You should have been treated more politely. Then again, there is no law saying shop keepers have to be kind. That brings me to the greatness of capitalism, you can buy the soap/their product elsewhere, or choose to not buy their product at all.
yes, but they let you return an opened and used tub of cream that they cannot sell now because of hygiene issues. Or if they do will have to be marked down.

So they sucked up the loss of that product to keep you happy.

Sorry you can't see that they were already practicing solid customer service.
Sorry to hear that you weren't happy with your AoS shopping. From what I get out of your post, it sounds to me like you were treated reasonably by AoS in general. It is irritating these days that local stores have little authority to make decisions, but I don't think that AoS was out of line. You bought something at a discount, didn't like it and returned it. They gave you your money back. Basically the soap purchase is a new transaction. If this was a local B&M, maybe they would have winked and given you the deal anyway but that would be a bonus.

I've been using their soap and cream for some time now and I get great results with both. I've also had good luck with their customer service. I bought a puck of lemon soap from an on-line vendor via Amazon and, when I opened the box, the smell was off. Not the earthy smell of tallow that underlies their soaps, but a nastier one. I emailed the retailer to see what I needed to do to get an exchange and I also emailed AoS' customer service just to let them know that I had got a strange puck. Before the retailer could get back to me, AoS emailed me an apology and asked for my address. They sent me a replacement puck and a bunch of coupons.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but I returned the soap because I knew that the smell was off. If your point is that you tried a cream twice, didn't get a good shave and decided to return it, I think that you're lucky to have got the exchange at all. You yourself don't claim that there was definitely something wrong with the product. If it were me, I would have looked at my own prep and technique a little more closely before I returned it. YMMV.
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I do not think the customer has any case for "dispute"

As stated from customer service, the coupon was not able to be transferred to another transaction.

You were lucky you were able to return the cream after using since it will be thrown away. A majority of places will not take a product like this back, so I think you came out on top getting the 12 dollars off.
I think he was hoping to get his $12 cash and his $10 coupon back (since he used both to purchase the product). Then, he could apply the coupon to the soap instead of the cream. Sounds reasonable to me.

If I understand correctly, what essentially happened was the the company took his $10 coupon without allowing him to redeem it.

Yes, that is correct. I don't see why this would not be allowed. It doesn't make any sense to me. Yes, the coupon says that it's for one-time use, but c'mon. If I'm taking the time to pursue this, am I really asking that much? Apparently my side in this debate is not the popular one, though.
Also, why was this thread moved? Is it really that trivial? I just think that people should know about a customer's experience with a particular brand's service.
Also, why was this thread moved? Is it really that trivial? I just think that people should know about a customer's experience with a particular brand's service.

The thread has been moved because it is about shopping, not general shaving. Decisions to move threads have nothing to do with triviality, but rather with keeping our topical forums orderly for member convenience.
I didn't even know you could return soaps/creams. To me, that's kind of like buying a sandwich, taking a bite and then returning it because it has too much Mayo.
I have had a very bad experience with them as well. My wify bought me a full size kit of shaving cream/brush/oil/asb from them but was unscented. I called the store in Paramus NJ and they assured me that they will accept the return BRAND NEW NEVER USED NEVER OPENED)

. I went there , the guy behind the counter first asks me to pay extra 25 $ for exchanging this kit. I asked to speak with a manager - he tells me to come back in 30 mins.

I get there - there is another sales man (manager not available). He opens the kit - PUTS HIS FINGER IN THE CREAM - smells it - and then says he can't accept the returns on that item.

I asked the phone number of the regional manager on the spot - then the manager comes out of the back - and refuses me to give me the number. I called the customer service from the store - explained the situation - then the manager interrupts me in the middle and then says "we will address the situation". She gives me a another can of cream and tells me we can't return the item but I will replace the cream because he put the finger in the cream.

I will NEVER EVER buy anything from their company - there are a lot of other places that offer the same and/or better performance/products for cheaper or same price.
I didn't even know you could return soaps/creams. To me, that's kind of like buying a sandwich, taking a bite and then returning it because it has too much Mayo.

I don't think some of you are reading my entire post. I had an allergic reaction to the cream. That's why I returned it. It's not like I used it, decided I didn't like the scent, and returned it. No. The product was physically detrimental to me. Any place would accept that. If you ordered your sandwich and started having an allergic reaction to an ingredient in it, I'm pretty sure the person at the counter would replace the sandwich OR give you your money back, at the very least.

Regardless, that was not the point of my post. They allowed me to return the product; the issue is in the fact that I was basically not allowed to redeem my $10 coupon.
I don't think some of you are reading my entire post. I had an allergic reaction to the cream. That's why I returned it. It's not like I used it, decided I didn't like the scent, and returned it. No. The product was physically detrimental to me. Any place would accept that. If you ordered your sandwich and started having an allergic reaction to an ingredient in it, I'm pretty sure the person at the counter would replace the sandwich OR give you your money back, at the very least.

Regardless, that was not the point of my post. They allowed me to return the product; the issue is in the fact that I was basically not allowed to redeem my $10 coupon.

I once had a pair of underwear that was detrimental. The leg holes pinched the sides of my scrotum but dammit the store still wouldn't take them back.

Please tell me, who is going to buy used shaving cream? Would you? So the store now takes a loss on that first tub to make you happy and that isn't good enough.

It's a hygiene issue.
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