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Ankuoo: best $27 ever

I have a nice espresso machine and grinder, and that's my go-to brew method. Problem is, the machine is a honkin' piece of SS, with a big old boiler and heavy brass group, so it takes 20-30 minutes to warm up properly. That's fine, but sometimes I'm out running errands, and just want to swing by the house for a quick afternoon shot, and sometimes on the weekend I don't feel like going downstairs to turn it on, then trying to doze off again after.

Enter Ankuoo:



Setup takes 2 minutes: download the app to your phone, plug it in, follow direction, and it's running! So now, I can simply flip it on when I'm headed home, and the machine is hot, or I can turn it on from bed on the weekends. :thumbup:

It also has timer capability, so you can set it to go on at a specific time. It would work great for any coffee maker without a built in timer! I can't believe I waited so long to do it. Only draw back is you have to remember to switch it off from your phone, not at the machine....
Nice price point!
Are you saying that the timer is only for 'on' capability? Or can you set it 'off' at a particular time too? My $8 Harbor Freight one lets me set both on/off times, but it isn't flexible like this!

Edit to add: Since it's on your wifi network, how does it work when you're on your cellphone "out running errands"? Do they give you an account or software that accesses an external port? My cable provider doesn't give me a static IP.
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Yeah, it's great for lots of things! Christmas tree us a great idea, or lights when you're out of town. I can't believe how much joy a stupid electric plug brings me, haha. Simple pleasures.

It has both on and off settings on the timer, of course. You can set multiple on/off sessions. I'm not sure how it works off wifi, but it most definitely does. I guess it's no different than me sending a kik or hangouts message to my daughter on her wifi only device, when I'm on my cell network.
Out of curiosity have you monitored the power consumption needed to heat up the espresso machine versus what it consumes when idling?

Also do you have any experience with the Ankuoo Wi-Fi controlled light switch? Whether or not it works well and whether it is integrated into the same smartphone App that controls the plug switch?

I have been using google to investigate some basic home automation, to automate a couple of light switches and power outlets. Thus far I have spent the most time reading about Belkin/Wemo (they also produce a RGB LED light strip that looks fun), but finding out any real information beyond company ads and short reviews has been difficult for any of these products. A short list of smart plugs here.
No, I haven't monitored power consumption. The plug won't change that, and even though the machine is built to be left on all day, it's pretty unreasonable, given that I need it for 3-5 shots a day.

I haven't tried other ankuoo products. I chose the Ankuoo because reviews seemed better that Belkin's, but I can't support that with anything concrete. It is cheaper, and works flawlessly, and that's good enough for me.
No, I haven't monitored power consumption. The plug won't change that
I think StillShaving's point is comparing how much power you're consuming by switching on and off versus leaving it on 24/7. Some have found the difference to be negligible. A lot of power can be consumed during initial warm up. Less is needed to maintain temp.

I have been using google to investigate some basic home automation, to automate a couple of light switches and power outlets. Thus far I have spent the most time reading about Belkin/Wemo (they also produce a RGB LED light strip that looks fun), but finding out any real information beyond company ads and short reviews has been difficult for any of these products. A short list of smart plugs here.
Since I already have a FrontPoint security system I use Z-Wave devices. Nice thing about Z-Wave is that you're not bound to one single manufacturer but you do need a Z-Wave controller. The FrontPoint control panel is also a Z-Wave controller. FrontPoint provides scheduling and remote capability. The GE Z-Wave power outlet that I use can be manually controlled as well. There is a switch on the outlet that toggles power.
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Needs milk and a bidet!
This is cool!

If I were to custom build a home I would have it built in to all my power outlets. Or at least a bunch of them.
Sure. Put it this way: unless I leave it on 24/7, I'll have to turn it on once a day, whether I leave it on or shut it off after. Obviously it's going to use less if I shut it off after. It will only use more if I use it more than once a day, but even then, I don't really care. I live in socal, no way I'm leaving this thing that emanates heat on 24hrs a day. /sweat
This is cool!

If I were to custom build a home I would have it built in to all my power outlets. Or at least a bunch of them.

I think it's especially useful if you have a large house. I've worked for a bunch of celebrities with mansions, and being able to hit 'all on' or 'all off', or anything in between, from a device, beats walking through a bunch of rooms and hitting light switches.

Home automation is definitely hitting mainstream.
I have not investigated this in depth, but one might also want to look into solutions that support IFTTT (If this, then that) rules. This basic example may not need an IFTTT recipe, but one example I read along the way that looked appealing was placing an NFC tag on the bedside table that you could tap with your phone once you got up. So that the espresso or drip machine would start up while taking a shower.
Of course! It has a timer feature built in. But if you use it like I do, switching on randomly, and get sidetracked, it could stay on top long (if it's a gaggia level machine, which are not made to leave on).
Of course! It has a timer feature built in. But if you use it like I do, switching on randomly, and get sidetracked, it could stay on top long (if it's a gaggia level machine, which are not made to leave on).

I wonder if there's a count down timer that when ever it's turned on for any reason it'll start counting down
There's a countdown to turn on, but not off. There's a scheduler, as well, if you want it on and off at specific times daily.
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