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Anyone can see, folks are all over B&B in thousands. They are all clamoring for space here. Every forum here is crammed with threads/ posts touching on every conceivable topic in wet shaving and other related subjects.

Many many board members are known to spend many many hours in this forum day after day every day of the week.

Is this an Addiction brought about by a mad craze for wet shaving or better still……


I love this place too......

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Like many things, shaving can become an addiction and, at times, interventions are required. I cannot count the number of posts I've seen where people have decided to clear away excess shaving product, often at the direction of their SWMBO. Regardless, it's a relatively harmless hobby and one that has practical applications.
Anyone can see, folks are all over B&B in thousands. They are all clamoring for space here. Every forum here is crammed with threads/ posts touching on every conceivable topic in wet shaving and other related subjects.

Many many board members are known to spend many many hours in this forum day after day every day of the week.

Is this an Addiction brought about by a mad craze for wet shaving or better still……


Yes and yes.
I love wetshaving because it is a much better shave than I used to get with a Mach3. I love both the process and the results. Am I addicted to it? No. I can wear the heck out of a good beard, and my wife likes me with a beard, so I can go to that at any time. Since I choose to shave, wetshaving is the most enjoyable way to do that.

I love B&B because it is a welcoming, friendly, mature Internet forum. I spend much of my day in front of a computer, and much of my "free" time pursuing hobbies, most of which have an Internet presence. There are very few forums, in my experience, with the kind of atmosphere present here at B&B. I honestly rarely use the shaving parts of the forum for my own information any longer. When I am here learning about something, it is typically in the non-shaving areas. I use this place for the camaraderie.

Addicted? Neither. Love? Both. No debate here.
Since discovering DE/wet shaving my morning rituals have become something I look forward to rather than dread. Trying all the different soaps, creams and aftershaves is fun and interesting for me. This forum is great because there is a ton of respectful, intelligent discussion on topics that some consider the finer things in life -- food, drink, travel and a good shave.

Is it an addiction? Probably. But an addiction to looking, smelling and feeling better can be one of the better addictions to have!
It is knowing we are getting the best shave possible. That this is a great forum and a great a place to hang out with fellow shavers.
I started wet shaving almost exactly one year ago to eliminate the cause of razor bumps on my neck. It worked, and the info I found here was critical. I'm still learning, and I keep coming back, thanks to the open an intelligent discussion here. Plus the fact that I have met only one other wet shaver in my non-virtual world. When every visit here is positive in one way or another, why would we stop coming back?
Addicted ??? No no addiction here, Once the internet went out for an hour....my wife found me curled up in the corner sucking my thumb blithering...No B&B, No B&B..... she brought me to my laptop and showed me everything was ok.....No problem here...note to self check on stockpiles of soap, blades.............
Addicted ??? No no addiction here, Once the internet went out for an hour....my wife found me curled up in the corner sucking my thumb blithering...No B&B, No B&B..... she brought me to my laptop and showed me everything was ok.....No problem here...note to self check on stockpiles of soap, blades.............

A lucky man to have such a supportive wife :biggrin1:
Mrs Pumpkin calls B&B my Bizarre Razor Fetish! :blushing:

Good job we don't have any kids or pets for me to neglect :lol:

EDIT: I can multi-task and talk to her at the same time....although I have been known to just nod and go "uh uh" at the right moments :lol: Plus she gets the benefit of me being clean shaven all the time :001_wub:
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Anyone can see, folks are all over B&B in thousands. They are all clamoring for space here. Every forum here is crammed with threads/ posts touching on every conceivable topic in wet shaving and other related subjects.

Many many board members are known to spend many many hours in this forum day after day every day of the week.

Is this an Addiction brought about by a mad craze for wet shaving or better still……


Let the debate begun……

I love this place too......



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