I am interested in purchasing or trading for a Gillette American Button Company razor, but before I really go looking for one and actually post something in the WTB section, I want to make sure that it is a razor that shaves well. At least as of now, I'm not really interested in collecting razors to look at. I want something that would shave really well in addition to being really nice to look at. Does anybody have any experience shaving with these razors? I currently have a '56 SuperSpeed, a Ladies Gillette, and a Diplomat. I've found each of these razors to be really nice shavers, but there is just something about the beauty of those American Button Company razors that makes me want to try one of those. But again, how do they shave? Any words of wisdom from the shaving sages?
Also, I think I've been able to discern that this razor is the Empire.
Does this one have a nickname as well?
I think I've only seen these two razors in these two colors, silver and goldish, respectively, but is that the only way there were made? Do silver editions of the second one exist or gold ones of the first?
Thanks in advance for any wisdom that can be shared.
Also, I think I've been able to discern that this razor is the Empire.
Does this one have a nickname as well?
I think I've only seen these two razors in these two colors, silver and goldish, respectively, but is that the only way there were made? Do silver editions of the second one exist or gold ones of the first?
Thanks in advance for any wisdom that can be shared.