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alum bloc questions


I was wondering why my alum bloc has stopped stinging after a good shave no nickes ect..

i have been useing it bout a month now, it started out stinging alot then in patches now not at all. am i doing something wrong/right.
or is my bloc just gone off .

i look after it will clean and dry it thoroughly the putting it in a airtight container with some rice in a little big to wick out the rest of the moisture.

Sounds like you are heading the right way along the learning curve. No sting just means that you are taking the hair off and leaving all your skin on. Good work Dave!
My Alum has the potential to sting me just as much as it did a year ago. Thankfully an improved technique means the sting is lessening. However, this morning was a reminder of what happens when you rush a shave. Stinnnng!
I noticed the same exact thing. The alum would sting the hell out of my skin in my first few shaves, and yesterday for the first time there was barely any sting after I shaved. It was also one of the best DE shaved I had up to date (with my first try at a Feather blade).
I guess its a good sign! Keep up what you're doing!
It definitely means you are doing it right! I suggest moving away from the alum to witch hazel, and keep the alum block for feedback when trying new razors/blades (or for extra grip when straight shaving :thumbup1:).
One thing I have come to notice is every time I use a new blade, the sting is less... and I haven't been using the same blade for >3 shaves. I use mine off and on, and one of the last times I used it (being a newb myself) I was SHOCKED when there was no sting, I knew something finally clicked... this last shave, not so much.
I bought an alum block with my DE and haven't yet used it. Hard to believe I know. I feel like I get plenty of feedback (read: sting) from my ASB.
It definitely means you are doing it right! I suggest moving away from the alum to witch hazel, and keep the alum block for feedback when trying new razors/blades (or for extra grip when straight shaving :thumbup1:).

thank you going to pick some up next week :) thayers lavender alcohol free .
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