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Alternative storage containers

I do with soaps but not creams. I feel its best to keep creams in their tubes so that they are not exposed to air which causes them to dry out quicker and may contribute to them losing their moisturizing properties.
If you're going purchase seperate containers, you'll have to make sure they are air-tight. I've made the mistake of storing some samples in less-than-adequate containers and had them dry out in a matter of days. The scent dissipates a lot when creams dry.

Edit: "air tight" might be too strong, but you will probably want something with a good seal.
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I keep my Proraso cream (from the massive 500ml tube) in a mint 50s Palmolive brushless cream glass jar. It looks pretty neat and the proraso stays in its original state.
I emptied a tube of C.O.Bigelow into an empty PVC tub that another shaving cream came in, after I removed the label. Worked fine, but it wasn't a cool-looking vintage container like you have in mind. I'm interested in seeing what you come up with.
Good point about keeping them air tight. I forgot I had some samples that dried out and lost a lot of their scent in less than ideal containers. I suppose if I find something I like, I can make some sort of gasket or sealing surface. The hard part seems finding 5 or 6 matching containers that are the right size. The search continues
I've never discovered an inadequacy in the containers any of creams came in that we would lead me to believe there was a need for a different container.
Its not that the tubs are inadequate, I am just looking for something a little nicer than the plastic tubs that most creams come in. There's really not a need to own many different creams either, but that's where the disorder sets in:biggrin1:
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