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Alt Innsbruck Pre/After Shave

I am looking at picking up for the first time, Alt Innsbruck Pre and After 'emulsion'. After a shave, my skin is real dry, does this emulsion have a little moisturizing properties to it? Or is it recommended to use some balm after Alt Innsbruck AS?
I am looking at picking up for the first time, Alt Innsbruck Pre and After 'emulsion'. After a shave, my skin is real dry, does this emulsion have a little moisturizing properties to it? Or is it recommended to use some balm after Alt Innsbruck AS?

I tried a sample of the Alt Innsbruck emulsion and found that it really did it's job well as far as moisturizing. The only problem with it was the smell is completely polarizing and smells nothing at all like the Alt Innsbruck splash. The emulsion to me smells like very strong Citronella, the splash smells like heaven!
Does the splash do any moisturizing? Now is sounds like I need to buy both....emulsion for moisturizing and splash to be sent to heaven....
Does the splash do any moisturizing? Now is sounds like I need to buy both....emulsion for moisturizing and splash to be sent to heaven....

The splash doesn't moisturize as far as I can tell but I have slightly oily skin and the splash helps keep my skin even and toned.

If it were my money I would skip the emulsion completely, the smell really is quite disgusting. Buy a cheap unscented or mild scented balm and use it after the Alt Innsbruck splash.

If you need recommendations on an unscented or mild scented balm just let us know. We have more guys with more opinions here than you can handle :w00t::lol:
Here's a little tip for anybody with dry skin... Buy a tube of 444 from Leon at vintage scent. When I'm done shaving, I take a little less than a pea-sized dollop and rub it in. Then, I use an alcohol-based splash.

In fact, this morning, I used the 444+ alt innsbruck and it's a great combination!
Here's a little tip for anybody with dry skin... Buy a tube of 444 from Leon at vintage scent. When I'm done shaving, I take a little less than a pea-sized dollop and rub it in. Then, I use an alcohol-based splash.

In fact, this morning, I used the 444+ alt innsbruck and it's a great combination!

+1. I don't use exactly these products but I do something along the same lines. I put just a little baby oil over dry prone areas, rub it in well and then put on the splash. (I'm not worried about the baby oil as some recent research has shown it probably does not cause acne).

When I first got to B&B I would have thought something like this was crazy because the alcohol would just dilute whatever you had on your face. However, what I've found out is that the alcohol does dilute but it still provides enough of the balm to be protective.
I like the idea of trying 444. I did order the Alt Innsbruck splash (not the emulsion). Anxious to give it a try. If my skin is too dry, I still have some Art of Shaving sandlewood balm I can through on until some 444 arrives.
Thanks for the input.
The only problem with it was the smell is completely polarizing and smells nothing at all like the Alt Innsbruck splash.

I swear that stuff smells exactly like some of those blocks they put in urinals. Not really bad, per se, but still... It took three soap-and-water washings to get it off my face.

The Alt Innsbruck splash, on the other hand, I find quite pleasant. I would buy a bottle of that if I did not already have way more stuff than I need.
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