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Aged Spice - Mama Bear

So I've ordered a 5oz puck of Mama Bear's "Aged Spice" soap. I've heard that it smells almost exactly like Old Spice. Does anyone else have this soap? I figured for 10 bucks I'd give it a whirl.
It comes very close to smelling like the original Old Spice. I think it's as close as you're gonna get unless you buy the original. Sue makes some great soaps, I just used her Awakening's peppermint, tea tree oil, and menthol, shaving soap on Tuesday when we hit 98 degree's. It's a great soap to use on a hot day.

Thanks for the info. I just ordered her soap for the first time. I'm going to try and Aged Spice, and maybe in a couple of weeks I'll grab another couple different scents to try out.
I am using (and loving) her Ye Old Barber Shoppe and I have a bar of her America waiting. I will definitely order more of her soaps... and Aged Spice sounds like the one!
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