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Age of Schick Krona

I discovered a Schick Krona that does not look like most I have seen posted here. It has a black plastic handle, black plastic knob on the bottom. Both TTO doors have the word "Schick" written in a New Times Roman-like font and underlined. No other markings other that "A" inside the razor and "Schick Made in USA" on the bottom of the head. Any ideas??
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Judging the age of Kronas, which lack the convenient Gillette date code, is a bit of a guessing game. From what I've read here and elsewhere, the first Kronas to come out of the factory had a metal TTO knob and no script on the silo doors. Later ones substituted black plastic for the TTO knob and had "Schick" on the doors, but not underlined. I've never seen a Krona with underlined script on the doors as you describe it--that's odd. As to exactly what you have and its age, that's above my pay grade, but perhaps there are some experts here who will chime in.

In any case, enjoy your Krona! I have found it to be a nice, mild shaver; for some reason the design of the silo doors made it almost intuitive for me to find the correct angle.

(EDIT: I forgot, there is some basic info on the Krona in the wiki section here at B&B)
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1958 huh?? Sure looks like it didn't get a ton of use. I'll bet it cleans up well (although I doubt I will do it unless I plan on selling it). From what I gather it's supposed to be pretty mild and that may not be good for me. I currently use a Muhle R41 (2011) and love it. Before that (and still on occasion) a Futur set at between 5 and 6. My 1951 Gillette W3 SS I keep just because. Any morning I shave with that, I'm back staring at the mirror by mid-afternoon; a close shaver it is not...and it's SO SMALL.......
1958 huh?? Sure looks like it didn't get a ton of use. I'll bet it cleans up well (although I doubt I will do it unless I plan on selling it). From what I gather it's supposed to be pretty mild and that may not be good for me. I currently use a Muhle R41 (2011) and love it. Before that (and still on occasion) a Futur set at between 5 and 6. My 1951 Gillette W3 SS I keep just because. Any morning I shave with that, I'm back staring at the mirror by mid-afternoon; a close shaver it is not...and it's SO SMALL.......
1958 is when they 1st were made, you got lucky becuase it does look great not alot of use. they are just like the Super speeds in terms off shaving. i use them for emergency quicky shaves.
Google Books is a great source for dating information. The first ad for the new Krona is from 1961 for injector blades only.
Schick did not enter the Double Edge market until 1963, with the Krona and Thin blades. By mid-1963, they had switched to the Krona Stainless blade. They continued to sell DE blades without a razor. The earliest ad to feature the DE razor was in 1966. http://books.google.com/books?id=kU...wCTgK#v=onepage&q=schick krona razor&f=false

In 1968, they were still calling it the New Schick Razor in a comparison with the Knack.

http://books.google.com/books?id=Kl...&q=schick krona razor gillette knack&f=false

The razor in the picture is one of the later year ones from the 1980s or 1990s. That is the later typeface used by Schick. Schick has no ads in the Google Books magazines from 1984-90. To see the logo, look at the package for the Tracer in this 1991 ad. http://books.google.com/books?id=b4...=0CGsQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=schick razor&f=false
The first Schick Kronas were introduced around 1965. 1958 is a myth or a misunderstanding.
For sure. I'm not sure how that poster didn't get called out on that flub.

65-77 is their dates of manufacture. And apparently, after 68 they were no longer labeled as Kronas. Not sure why though. Also not sure where they came up with the name Krona, which means Swedish crown and it's also the name for Swedish currency.
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For sure. I'm not sure how that poster didn't get called out on that flub.

65-77 is their dates of manufacture. And apparently, after 68 they were no longer labeled as Kronas. Not sure why though. Also not sure where they came up with the name Krona, which means Swedish crown and it's also the name f

For sure. I'm not sure how that poster didn't get called out on that flub.

65-77 is their dates of manufacture. And apparently, after 68 they were no longer labeled as Kronas. Not sure why though. Also not sure where they came up with the name Krona, which means Swedish crown and it's also the name for Swedish currency.
Thanks. If we also knew when the metal knob was replaced with a plastic one, that would narrow the date hunt to some extent. Why won't the manufacturers stamp the date on their products?! Duh!
I have a Krona with plastic knob and "Schick" on one of the doors. It makes me feel good to think it was manufactured around 1975 - the year I started shaving.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
f we also knew when the metal knob was replaced with a plastic one, that would narrow the date hunt to some extent.
Apparently the long metal and plastic knobs ran concurrently.

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Thank you for yet another informative thread! The Schick Krona story is one of the most complicated ones in mankind history.
Thanks. If we also knew when the metal knob was replaced with a plastic one, that would narrow the date hunt to some extent. Why won't the manufacturers stamp the date on their products?! Duh!
I have a Krona with plastic knob and "Schick" on one of the doors. It makes me feel good to think it was manufactured around 1975 - the year I started shaving.

Like many things made BITD, I don't think they thought that anyone would still be using their product some 50 years later or that anyone would care. The Krona was almost a disposable razor, not something meant to be passed on to future generations or be a collectors items.

And my razor says Schick on one door and Krona on the other. Go figure!🙂
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