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Aftermarket handle options?

I'm on a work trip and had some time to stop in an antique shop for a bit. Pickings were slim, but I did find a small box that held a Old a Type LC head that was in excellent shape. No handle. I offered the guy a couple of bucks for it and he accepted. What are my best options for finding a handle for this thing?
I haven't found a handle yet that WON'T fit my Old Type head. All of the vintage Gillette handles, Muhle handles, Merkur handles, Weber, Cadet; just to name a few.

There are handles from Razorock, Weber, Ikon, Cadet, Pearl, Sabi and several more that I am forgetting. Razorock, Cadet, Pearl and Sabi are all relatively inexpensive compared to Weber and Ikon. The Cadet, Pearl and Sabi handles are all under $25 I believe, and that price includes the head that comes with the handle. You may or may not like the head. I bought my Cadet razor just for the handle without caring much what the head was like.

If you have any other 3 piece handles at home it's likely that one or all of them will fit. Then you can decide if you like the head enough to invest in a nice, heavy handle. However, the heavy handle really makes a difference in the quality of shave.
Thanks, Jeff. Good advice. I planned to try it with the handle from my Tech, but it's not a particularly heavy handle.
If you decide to buy a heavy handle, I can't say enough good things about the Weber Classic handle, if you like a longer handle. Really nice heavy handle and worth $38. If you don't want to spend that much, buy one of the Cadet 3 piece razors that has a handle you like, and the whole razor is $20. The handles are solid brass, so they are really heavy and it seems like there are dozens of designs, both 3" and 4" long.
UFO handles
Bob's Razor Works (?)
wquiles (B&B member)
Above the Tie
Matador/Pearl/Cadet/Razorock/Maggard/Sabi (some overlap between these)

There may be others as well. I think Bob's Razor Works is not an option anymore since Bob passed away - is that accurate?

My favorite DE handle is the Gillette Tech fat handle. Second place goes to my Toro Mastiff handle - heavy, but very grippy.
Yes, that's right on the BRW handles. They come up for sale occasionally on the BST, but I've seen them listed in the $150 range. Worth it I'm sure for such an iconic handle, but really too much money for me for just a handle. That's an Ikon slant or OC, or almost a single ATT razor.
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