I have used a Merkur HD for over a year now. But there has been so much talk lately about Muhle and Edwin Jagger. This is what prompted me to get a Muhle R89. And I am glad I did. Anyway you look at it this is a great razor worth purchasing. It looks and feels like a quality razor in every way. I have gotten some great shaves with it. There has been a learning curve for me, and there has been some bloodshed. But after a solid week with it I can say I really like this razor and would recommend it to anyone. But I am not one to play musical razors(creams and soaps are another story).
So between the Merkur HD and the Muhle, which one will become my everyday razor? Well, as much as I like the Muhle for me it will remain the HD. Which seems to put me in the minority. Compare the 2 heads. The HD has a thinner, lower profile, more streamlined head. For me this makes it more maneuverable. I get a better sense of the blade and the angle with the HD head. And for me this equates to better and closer shaves. Especially on my neck. So while both great choices, I do find them to shave quite differently. But in the end I will stick with my Merkur HD. But I suspect i may be alone on this one.
So between the Merkur HD and the Muhle, which one will become my everyday razor? Well, as much as I like the Muhle for me it will remain the HD. Which seems to put me in the minority. Compare the 2 heads. The HD has a thinner, lower profile, more streamlined head. For me this makes it more maneuverable. I get a better sense of the blade and the angle with the HD head. And for me this equates to better and closer shaves. Especially on my neck. So while both great choices, I do find them to shave quite differently. But in the end I will stick with my Merkur HD. But I suspect i may be alone on this one.