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After My First Week I Compare My Muhle R89 with My HD

I have used a Merkur HD for over a year now. But there has been so much talk lately about Muhle and Edwin Jagger. This is what prompted me to get a Muhle R89. And I am glad I did. Anyway you look at it this is a great razor worth purchasing. It looks and feels like a quality razor in every way. I have gotten some great shaves with it. There has been a learning curve for me, and there has been some bloodshed. But after a solid week with it I can say I really like this razor and would recommend it to anyone. But I am not one to play musical razors(creams and soaps are another story).
So between the Merkur HD and the Muhle, which one will become my everyday razor? Well, as much as I like the Muhle for me it will remain the HD. Which seems to put me in the minority. Compare the 2 heads. The HD has a thinner, lower profile, more streamlined head. For me this makes it more maneuverable. I get a better sense of the blade and the angle with the HD head. And for me this equates to better and closer shaves. Especially on my neck. So while both great choices, I do find them to shave quite differently. But in the end I will stick with my Merkur HD. But I suspect i may be alone on this one.
Makes sense but part of your preference might be because you know your HD better. Anyway there is nothing wrong with the HD's profile though I prefer it as a 3-piece (23/33C) since I never liked Merkur's 2-piece handles. Too short, thick and heavy it makes the razor feel slow and inert for me. A bit clumsy even but then I learned shaving with a DE with a very light and longer handle (hollow plastic) so my technique will be adapted to that kind of specs.

The Mühle shaved intuitively much better for me but it is good to see somebody stand up for the HD! :thumbup1:
I do know the HD much better. So perhaps that is a factor. Maybe if I dedicate some time to the Muhle it may make a difference. But for me the HD is about perfect.
I just bought the R89...I find the handle to be (and feel) very cheaply made. It almost feels like painted plastic.
The new Muhle head is working for a large percentage of users, but there are people that don't get the best results using one. Skin and beard types can surely account for the variation, but also the razor varies by handle type and there are manufacturing tolerance differences. I started out with the Chatsworth Barley metal handle variety. The handle is waaay heavy and long. It gives me the best shave of any razor I have tried. I picked up another new Muhle head and paired it with a Cooncat Bob aluminum Bull Mastiff handle. I then compared the shave of the two muhle's. The Chatsworth performs noticably better for me. Both handles are large and grippy, and fit my hand. Only weight could affect the difference I feel. The Chatsworth is way heavier, and just feels right. Many posters on this forum have complaints with the Muhle or EJ handles for slipperyness or not enough weight. I would suggest getting a Cooncat Bob BRASS Bull Mastiff handle and see how that goes. (big, heavy, grippy,= good) Plus they look cool.
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I just bought the R89...I find the handle to be (and feel) very cheaply made. It almost feels like painted plastic.

Like many others you seem to mix up quality and weight. The Mühle handle is a very light quality piece. In fact the lightness is there because of design and not to cut costs; it would probably have been cheaper to make a solid handle.
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