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AE Broadstreet

So I'm sitting at home today, away from work due to an ear infection (who gets these at 34 years old? I swear, I was 8 last time I had something like this...). Anyways, of course I'm browsing the internet for shoes...what else am I going to do?

I recently acquired a couple of pairs of AEs during Nordstrom's anniversary sale, and I think I'm quickly becoming a fan. I was thinking about getting a pair of spectators, and low and behold, I found these online, in my size, for right around $200 (they seem to go for full price @ $345). Reviews at AE's site seem positive. Anyone here have these? If so, personal opinion?


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Now half as wise
+1. I have the brown/tan combo and get lots of compliments. Perfect casual summer wear.
Been considering getting some also. If you don't mind me asking, where did you find them for that price?

Amazon. They are hit and miss on sizes, color and styles, and the price can vary from size to size on the same shoe in the same color. But I'm a 9D, and my size was fortunately the lowest of any of the sizes (and I got the last one in my size).
I have a pair of the black/white, i find it to be the widest of all my Allen Edmonds in 11d, very comfortable. I wish I'd gone for the brown/bone in retrospect, a bit more practically casual with jeans etc.
I really want a pair, I just can't see myself in them or find a situation to wear them.

Assuming they fit, I plan to put them into my work rotation. I work in a business casual office (slacks/chinos, dress shirt), and don't deal with external customers. Others' perception of my "taste" is pretty meaningless to me, and I don't do anything overly outlandish.

I figure if I like it, it fits, it's clean and it matches, it's good to go for me. Assuming such a move won't hold back your career (I don't toy with interview apparel :thumbdown), I'm starting to believe that life's too short not to have some fun with your wardrobe. :thumbup1:


Now half as wise
I can't remember off hand what last is used for the Broadstreet, but I ordered my regular size and they are fine. I can tell subtle differences between the Strand, McAllister and Broadstreet when new, but not enough to need a different size. As they break in and conform to my foot they become even less.
For those of you who have a pair of brown/white spectators, out of curiosity, with what color pants do you find yourself wearing them?
So they came in...I'm almost, but not quite pleased. The fit is good, and consistent with my other AEs in a 9D.

Maybe I'm being picky (I would think not though for shoes that originally cost $345), but in the second picture you can see a great deal of white through one of the perforations (fourth from the bottom, the one I tried to center...it's quite noticeable, and not just reflecting the camera flash). Caught my eye immediate during unboxing. The other shoes suffers the same issue in one of the perforations do a lesser degree.

Stuff like that bugs me...I would expect mediocre finishing on a cheap product, but I really thought these were supposed to be inspected more thoroughly.

Is this sort of thing common in quality goods (or is AE just getting mediocre over time)? I may be returning these, unless I can figure out a way to fix.


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I asked AE directly what the deal is with respect to this, and they replied, "Thank you for your email. This is a Burnished calfskin shoe.  The highlights and lowlights in a shoe are supposed to be there. This is not considered defective in anyway. If you are unhappy with the shoes you can take the footwear back to the store they were purchased. If you have any further questions please call toll free 800.235.2348 and speak with one of our representatives."

This doesn't seem correct :confused1 (accurately addressing the problem), does it?
I can see your point about attracting the eye. From 5 feet above where most people will view it, it is probably not so noticeable, but it would be closer up.

As for a home remedy, maybe you could carefully put some black polish into the hole, to match the color of the other holes. Maybe even try to scrape or remove the white polish first so it is less noticeable to start with and easier to match the dark brown/black color. But since you may not want to experiment and learn how to do this with your new shoes, it might also be advisable to take to a local clobber to see how confident they are about trying to fix before deciding to send them back or not.
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