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Adding Menthol crystals to Tallow soaps

Hey all, I wanted to know if it was possible to add menthol crystals to soaps that are tallow based. I have already gotten some crystals off ebay and wanted to add some menthol kick to my new mikes natural soaps. Also is it possible to mix the crystals in with alcohol free witch hazel? Thanks in advance everyone.
I've never tried anything like that, but I'd imagine those kinds of crystals will work better in aftershave or witch hazel. Something more liquid anyway. If you want to give your lather a menthol kick, then maybe peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil maybe?
I couldn't say about the soaps, but I do believe they require alcohol to dissolve. They can be melted and easily folded into shaving creams or melt and pour soaps. Tallow based, though? That's a tough one.
They dissolve at just over half the boiling point of water. You can add them to soaps you're making a little bit after trace (I did just before pour). Or you can mill and double boiler (or VERY carefully microwave seconds at a time, I'd really recommend double-boiler) melt your soaps and dissolve the crystals in them. Use a small kitchen thermometer (candy or fryer would work if it went low enough) and do it at about 120 F. The exact melting point is 111.2 if memory serves.
They dissolve pretty easily in a bit of oil. But you need to be careful not to add too much if you do that as too much oil might affect the lather
Perhaps you could see if they would dissolve into glycerine? That way you could just add a shot to your lather
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