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Acrylic Handle Brushes

There used to be a couple of guys in New Mexico who made brushes with turned acrylic handles. They called their company "Superior Brush Company". The handles were the material usually referred to as "solid surface" material when it is used to make counter tops. They turned this material to any one of many standard shapes or any custom shape that you sent them drawings for. They had quite a few "standard" material colors and patterns that you could choose from. They used very nice silvertip knots on the brushes.

I bought one of their brushes about five years ago and it has turned out to be one of my favorites out of several name brand silvertip brushes. The handle is quite heavy, but that is one of the things I like about it.

The company went out of business a year or so after I bought my brush. It was just a part time business for these guys who were full time fire fighters. My question is, does anyone make brushes using this "Corian" type material?

You might check out Bob Quinn's work on the web...... eliterazor.com (Alpharetta, Georgia) He's got a lot of beautiful handles he has turned and may have something already in stock you like. He's had surgery on one of his hands and won't be turning any handles until perhaps January. I seem to remember Corian Handles on his site.

$Corian22mm.jpgI looked it up and found only one 22mm Corian Handle brush. Does it look like what you had in mind? It may be that he has other colors and styles that he could produce for you after his surgery heals. Good luck. I imagine other custom brush makers like Rudy Vey and others could get Corian materials and turn them to your specifications. My son and I visited Bob recently, before his surgery, and we were impressed with his setup and how much inventory he had on hand that he had already turned. I imagine he could do most anything you have in mind after his hand gets back to full health. I think it was on this forum recently I saw a comparison picture of two similar handles turned by both Bob and Rudy Vey for someone's Boar Knots. They wanted to have fancier handles for their bristle brushes like the badger knots seem to deserve. The handles were beautiful, seemingly even about the same size and wood type, with a difference in their curves and ergonomics. Members were voting on which they liked best.
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Gentlemen, thank you . . . it looks like Elite Razor does make the type of handles that I was looking for.

I appreciate the help,
Unfortunately, due to surgery, Bob of Elite Razors is taking some time off. I have a couple projects I'll be having him make for me upon his recovery.
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