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Acqua di selva

Let me make a plug for this wonderful italian classic cologne.
This cologne was very popular in the 1950s among the well-to-do in Italy. The scent takes me back to my dad and my uncle, so it carries a special significance for me. Just reintroduced and fairly widely available in the US. It is just like the original, even in the packaging. I have not tried the after shave, yet, that's next on my list. Made by Visconti di Modrone, the original owners (it was branded Victor for many years).
Fresh scent, citrus and pine. Acqua di selva translates as Forest water.
Great, classic, slightly old fashioned cologne.
There may be hope that the the Aqua Fresca di Colonia will also be resurrected too. Used both years ago. Great fragrances. Where did you find AdS?
guenron said:
There may be hope that the the Aqua Fresca di Colonia will also be resurrected too. Used both years ago. Great fragrances. Where did you find AdS?
I found it in an outlet mall in Ortlando, but since then, I checked several of the perfume shops in my local malls and they all seem to stock it.
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