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The scent gets tempered with time. I put the second turd from the pack in the garage to mellow.

I just opened a fresh stick 2 days ago. Now, my whole bathroom smells like Arko, which is not a bad thing. I'm sitting at my desk right now on the other side of the room from the bathroom, and I can still smell traces of it.
It smells like the soap we put out at the trucker motel where I worked as a groundkeeper. It was a wretched hive of debauchery and prostitution.

But it is such a great shave soap. It puts all the others to shame.
It took me a while to really identify what scent in my 51 years of life Arko smells like.

I remember very well the times as a child when I visited Italy. There was a 2nd kitchen in my grandmother's home where they did laundry. They used this yellowish, gold bar of soap to pre-wash stains. It was a good soap: Very clean scented and it was a big bar as well. I remember it lathered very nicely and it was very slick as well. And the scent was similar to Ivory but clearly was not Ivory.

But I don't recall the brand or ever saw a wrapper for it. Since it was a huge bar of soap it lasted a real long time.
I've just used Arko for the very first time. I may indeed now smell like a freshly scented urinal, but wow what a great soap!

(.......off to bulk order some on Amazon)
It took me a while to really identify what scent in my 51 years of life Arko smells like.

I remember very well the times as a child when I visited Italy. There was a 2nd kitchen in my grandmother's home where they did laundry. They used this yellowish, gold bar of soap to pre-wash stains. It was a good soap: Very clean scented and it was a big bar as well. I remember it lathered very nicely and it was very slick as well. And the scent was similar to Ivory but clearly was not Ivory.

But I don't recall the brand or ever saw a wrapper for it. Since it was a huge bar of soap it lasted a real long time.

Sounds like Fels Naptha. Huge gold bar of laundry soap.

If only they could make a less messy delivery method, maybe like the old push pop sweets of days gone by. I've taken to wrapping the tip with tin foil, mostly when it goes in my wash bag.

I use my gf's deodorant stick (emptied out, of course). I cut a stick of Arko into a big pile of quarters, and crammed them in the empty stick. Works great.
Sounds like Fels Naptha. Huge gold bar of laundry soap.
That was my first thought, too.

Or it might have been Octagon soap, but I forget what that smelled like.

I do remember Rokeach soap, it was a staple item in almost every kitchen when I was growing up, and Rokeach does smell like Arko.
Even if they stopped making it, most of us have enough stockpiled to last the rest of our lives.

+1 well +15 to be precise. Lol. And another 12 pack on the way.
I give it to new converts. No need to grate it really. I did with my first stick. But if you hold the stick in your hand for a bit to warm it up, it's like hard play-doh. Just smooth it into anything.
Works great as a stick as well.
I use my gf's deodorant stick (emptied out, of course). I cut a stick of Arko into a big pile of quarters, and crammed them in the empty stick. Works great.

Brut push up containers work well as do the twist up containers available at WCS and Maggards.
$2015-10-04 11.33.43.jpg
Even if they stopped making it, most of us have enough stockpiled to last the rest of our lives.

Yep, me too! I've laid in a supply of Arko to last 50.6 years. So no, I won't run out in my lifetime.

I really like things that are simple.............
1) For the price, it's the best soap I have tried.
2) Yes, It smells like a Holiday Inn bathroom from the early '70's.
3) If you don't like the stick, buy the puck. Either way, it can be put in a mug or bowl without any fanfare, grating, etc.
4) Use it like you stole it and enjoy! Damn! Why does everybody have to treat shaving like some sort of science experiment?
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