Okay, clearly a newbie honer with a clear newbie question. Without going into too much background, I'm trying to reset a bevel using a coti (although this problem could probably be on any stone). I'm following the Unicot process as described on coticule.be. I notice as my razor starts to shave my arm hair, it shaves effectively at different angles on each side (i.e. I can shave the hair on one arm at about a 20 degree angle but on the other arm I can only shave the hair at about a 35 degree angle). What does that mean? I suspect it means the bevel's bigger on one side than the other, and that I need to spend more time on one side to balance it back out, but I'd rather not guess at it. Any advice on what's going on and what I need to do next?
On a related note, how do you evaluate the size of the bevel on each side? Do you use a magnification device such as a loupe, reading glasses, etc or can you tell with your naked eye (not that I can
On a related note, how do you evaluate the size of the bevel on each side? Do you use a magnification device such as a loupe, reading glasses, etc or can you tell with your naked eye (not that I can
