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A Work In Progress: Travel Case for My President

I've got some feelers out for a proper case for my President, but in the mean time I thought I'd make a travel case for it. I got one of those little Plano boxes for arranging fishing lures. I cut out a cradle for the razor, and I'm playing around with how to arrange blade cases. I originally wanted to stand the blade cases up on their sides, but the fit will be awfully close. So this is what I'm thinking right now. I need to cut out sections to hold two blade cases. It's a little unrefined (I still need to clean up some of the rough cuts), but it's perfectly functional. When it's closed the razor is held very securely and doesn't shift around at all. It would be great for travel until I can find a real President case.



I'm toying with a small plastic lunch container - wondering if I should use eggcrate foam for versatility or stiffer foam and try to make cutouts. In the meantime thinking of using a rag and simply wrapping things up.

Or buy the Pearl travel case in plastic, which looks darn good to me. If I can't find eggcrate and cut it cleanly (and get it to glue down easily and well), it will look even better!
Looks nice. You could cut a groove in the case that will let the blades rest on a slight angle to give it that 'Gillette' look. Also, you could line that case with some nice material from a craft store or a fabric shop. I like your idea, I might have to steal it :lol:
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