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A win/win situation for you all...(PIF/contest)

Just wanted to let my Barbershop brothers-in-banter know that I've put up a PIF/contest and I'd like to get as many of you involved as I can! :biggrin: Unfortunately I've had to post it in the seldom-visited "Contests and PIF" thread:


The mods have told me I can post here as a re-direct to let you fellas know about it. C'mon, you know you wanna do something nice! :001_smile Hope to hear some of your stories in the next few weeks....:thumbup1:
Thanks for the heads up, I'm in, I could use me some Mandom! I don't have anything planned but I will be looking for the right moment to PIF.
Now under three weeks left to win yourself some sweet loot! I know there are some more of you big-hearted lugs hiding out here! :biggrin:
An extremely generous member has just offered to add a Feather RG to the kit :w00t: (retails for about $100) making this PIF ridiculously good.



Rainy Wednesday afternoon bump. Not getting nearly as many entries as I thought...:confused: (that's well over $150 of stuff sittin' there! :biggrin:) Get out there gents and 'do the deed'! :tongue:
Well, here goes:

I saw an old guy having trouble with a walker. People just walked right on by him, and it was obvious that he was stuck. I asked him if he needed help.

He seemed embarrassed, but told me that one of the legs on the walker had an adjustment that would collapse if a screw holding it in place worked loose, and it had happened before. I looked around on the deck and sure enough, there was a little #10-24 bolt but no nut to be had. I stuck the bolt in the walker, so at least he wasn't fighting to stay up.

There was a hardware store just a half block away, so I told him I'd be right back, bought a couple nylock nuts and trotted back. For under a buck, a short jog and a a minute with a Leatherman, I'd got him going.

He was profuse in his thanks, and it really broke me up to see him get creamed by the bus as he tried to cross the street.


Hey, for a C-note worth of PIF you'd think we could come up with some ACTUAL good deeds! :blushing:
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