Okay, one of the things I gifted myself for Christmas was a 20x jewellers loupe for Christmas, after much squinting and going all cross-eyed trying to see through the thing, I noticed that the blade of my razor was all jaggedy, No worries, I thought, I'll just do a quick strop and see if that fixes the problem...
Unfortunately, it didn't seem to do the job, As I was away from home at the time, I couldn't seem to do much about it as running it up and down the strop only seemed to do, well, Not a lot at all really (even tried a tabletop strop, and same thing.
Couple of laps on the Spyderco and then a hundred or so runs on my ghetto pasted strop (CrOx paint on fun foam glued to a flat block of wood) Polished up okay from what I could tell through the glass, So I decided to give it a run on the Strop again.
Blow me down if it didn't develop a sawtooth again. has to be the hanging stop I think.
Are there any suggestions on how to flatten/smooth a strop so it doesn't do this? or is it just me thinking it's a "bad" thing? I don't _think_ I've done anything wrong with my stropping. Though it might explain Why I've been unable to get a BBS shave (or anything approaching it) from my razors
oh, and on a side note, is there anywhere on the forum or wiki that explains all the acronyms used on this site? I figured out WTG, XTG, ATG. and BBS is fairly self explanatory, but I'm lost when it comes to understanding what some of the others mean.
Unfortunately, it didn't seem to do the job, As I was away from home at the time, I couldn't seem to do much about it as running it up and down the strop only seemed to do, well, Not a lot at all really (even tried a tabletop strop, and same thing.
Couple of laps on the Spyderco and then a hundred or so runs on my ghetto pasted strop (CrOx paint on fun foam glued to a flat block of wood) Polished up okay from what I could tell through the glass, So I decided to give it a run on the Strop again.
Blow me down if it didn't develop a sawtooth again. has to be the hanging stop I think.
Are there any suggestions on how to flatten/smooth a strop so it doesn't do this? or is it just me thinking it's a "bad" thing? I don't _think_ I've done anything wrong with my stropping. Though it might explain Why I've been unable to get a BBS shave (or anything approaching it) from my razors
oh, and on a side note, is there anywhere on the forum or wiki that explains all the acronyms used on this site? I figured out WTG, XTG, ATG. and BBS is fairly self explanatory, but I'm lost when it comes to understanding what some of the others mean.