I was wondering is there such a thing as A/S acquisition disorder? I see that a lot of people seem to have an inordinate number of aftershave treatments; don't get me wrong I'm not judging anyone, I mean excess is one of the priveleges of becoming a wet shaver, right? The problem for me is that my skin is very reactive and it requires time to get used to a new product, time I wouldn't have if I actually purchased all the aftershaves I want. So, is there anybody here who has stayed faithful to one particular product? Do you feel that your fidelity has an advantage over the pick 'n' mix style of shaving employed by those compulsive shoppers who are probably beyond all help? Conversely, are you one of those hoarders who has enough shaving supplies to remain well groomed throughout a nuclear winter? Is there any defining criteria you use to select a particular A/S on a particular day? I am familiar with the concept of heavier products in the winter and lighter preparations in the summer, but apart from that I would be worried about my skin breaking out if I kept switching products. I know the sensible solution would be to pick a single product that works for me, but where's the fun in that? I suppose the crux of the matter is, how do you limit yourself to the important purchases? As usual, I wait for the more experienced to enlighten me.
Warm regards,
Warm regards,